what's wrong on earth?

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Location: zhejiang university of technology

what's wrong on earth?

Post by ahu861011 »

Hi everybody.
I built a model to analyze, imitating EX.7, when I applied gravity load ,it runs well ,but when I did pushover analysis ,I found it didn't converge ,the error message are : failed to get compatible forces for element :2217<dw :<<7.766544 etc.I checked it carefully ,but still cann't fix it .My pushover parameters are the same as EX.7's ,I think it's my model problem.
Could anyone help me? Thank you very very much!
Here's my tcl:

model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6;
set dataDir Data;
file mkdir $dataDir;
#set GMdir "../GMfiles";
set ViewScale 0.25;
source LibUnits.tcl;
source DisplayPlane.tcl;
source DisplayModel3D.tcl;
source BuildRCrectSection.tcl;

set LCol [expr 3.3*$ft];
set LBeam [expr 5*$ft];
set LGird [expr 3*$ft];

set NStory 3;
set NBay 1;
set NBayZ 1;
puts "Number of Stories in Y: $NStory; Number of bays in X: $NBay; Number of bays in Z: $NBayZ"

set X1 0.;
set X2 [expr $X1 + $LBeam];
set Y1 0.;
set Y2 [expr $Y1 + $LCol];
set Y3 [expr $Y2 + $LCol];
set Y4 [expr $Y3 + $LCol];
set Z1 0.;
set Z2 [expr $Z1 + $LGird];

node 111 $X1 $Y1 $Z1;
node 112 $X2 $Y1 $Z1;
node 121 $X1 $Y2 $Z1;
node 122 $X2 $Y2 $Z1;
node 131 $X1 $Y3 $Z1;
node 132 $X2 $Y3 $Z1;
node 141 $X1 $Y4 $Z1;
node 142 $X2 $Y4 $Z1;
node 211 $X1 $Y1 $Z2;
node 212 $X2 $Y1 $Z2;
node 221 $X1 $Y2 $Z2;
node 222 $X2 $Y2 $Z2;
node 231 $X1 $Y3 $Z2;
node 232 $X2 $Y3 $Z2;
node 241 $X1 $Y4 $Z2;
node 242 $X2 $Y4 $Z2;
set Xa [expr ($X2+$X1)/2];
set Za [expr ($Z2+$Z1)/2];
node 11210 $Xa $Y2 $Za;
node 11310 $Xa $Y3 $Za;
node 11410 $Xa $Y4 $Za;

fix 11210 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 11310 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 11410 0 1 0 1 0 1

set perpDirn 2
rigidDiaphragm $perpDirn 11210 121 122 221 222; #1227 2227
rigidDiaphragm $perpDirn 11310 131 132 231 232; #1327 2327
rigidDiaphragm $perpDirn 11410 141 142 241 242 ;

fixY 0.0 1 1 1 0 1 0;

set IDctrlNode 141;
set IDctrlDOF 1;
set LBuilding [expr $Y4];

set SectionType FiberSection ;
set ColSecTagFiber 1
set BeamSecTagFibera 20
set BeamSecTagFiberb 21
set BeamSecTagFiberc 22
set GirdSecTagFibera 31
set GirdSecTagFiberb 32
set SecTagTorsion 70

set HCol [expr 300*$in];
set BCol [expr $HCol];
set HBeam [expr 300*$in];
set BBeam [expr 200*$in];
set HGird [expr 300*$in];
set BGird [expr 200*$in];
source LibMaterialsRC.tcl;

set cover [expr 25*$in];
set numBarsTopCol 4;
set numBarsBotCol 4;
set numBarsIntCol 2;
set barAreaTopCol [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotCol [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntCol [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeama 6;
set numBarsBotBeama 6;
set numBarsIntBeama 2;
set barAreaTopBeama [expr 314.1*$in*$in]; set barAreaBotBeama [expr 254.3*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeama [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeamb 4;
set numBarsBotBeamb 6;
set numBarsIntBeamb 2;
set barAreaTopBeamb [expr 314.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotBeamb [expr 254.3*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeamb [expr 201.*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeamc 4;
set numBarsBotBeamc 6;
set numBarsIntBeamc 2;
set barAreaTopBeamc [expr 254.3*$in*$in]; set barAreaBotBeamc [expr 153.9*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeamc [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopGirda 4;
set numBarsBotGirda 6;
set numBarsIntGirda 2;
set barAreaTopGirda [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotGirda [expr 113.*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntGirda [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopGirdb 4;
set numBarsBotGirdb 6;
set numBarsIntGirdb 2;
set barAreaTopGirdb [expr 154*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotGirdb [expr 113.*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntGirdb [expr 201*$in*$in];
set nfCoreY 40;
set nfCoreZ 40;
set nfCoverY 20;
set nfCoverZ 20;
BuildRCrectSection $ColSecTagFiber $HCol $BCol $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopCol $barAreaTopCol $numBarsBotCol $barAreaBotCol $numBarsIntCol $barAreaIntCol $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFibera $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeama $barAreaTopBeama $numBarsBotBeama $barAreaBotBeama $numBarsIntBeama $barAreaIntBeama $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFiberb $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeamb $barAreaTopBeamb $numBarsBotBeamb $barAreaBotBeamb $numBarsIntBeamb $barAreaIntBeamb $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFiberc $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeamc $barAreaTopBeamc $numBarsBotBeamc $barAreaBotBeamc $numBarsIntBeamc $barAreaIntBeamc $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $GirdSecTagFibera $HGird $BGird $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopGirda $barAreaTopGirda $numBarsBotGirda $barAreaBotGirda $numBarsIntGirda $barAreaIntGirda $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $GirdSecTagFiberb $HGird $BGird $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopGirdb $barAreaTopGirdb $numBarsBotGirdb $barAreaBotGirdb $numBarsIntGirdb $barAreaIntGirdb $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ

set ColSecTag 10
set BeamSecTaga 200
set BeamSecTagb 210
set BeamSecTagc 220
set GirdSecTaga 300
set GirdSecTagb 310
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagTorsion $Ubig
section Aggregator $ColSecTag $SecTagTorsion T -section $ColSecTagFiber
section Aggregator $BeamSecTaga $SecTagTorsion T -section $BeamSecTagFibera
section Aggregator $BeamSecTagb $SecTagTorsion T -section $BeamSecTagFiberb
section Aggregator $BeamSecTagc $SecTagTorsion T -section $BeamSecTagFiberc
section Aggregator $GirdSecTaga $SecTagTorsion T -section $GirdSecTagFibera
section Aggregator $GirdSecTagb $SecTagTorsion T -section $GirdSecTagFiberb
set GammaConcrete [expr 25*$psf];
set QdlCol [expr $GammaConcrete*$HCol*$BCol];
set QBeam [expr $GammaConcrete*$HBeam*$BBeam];
set QGird [expr $GammaConcrete*$HGird*$BGird];

set IDColTransf 1;
set IDBeamTransf 2;
set IDGirdTransf 3;
set ColTransfType Linear ;
geomTransf $ColTransfType $IDColTransf 0 0 1 ;
geomTransf Linear $IDBeamTransf 0 0 1
geomTransf Linear $IDGirdTransf 1 0 0

set np 5;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1111 111 121 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1112 112 122 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1121 121 131 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1122 122 132 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1131 131 141 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1132 132 142 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1217 121 122 $np $BeamSecTagb $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1317 131 132 $np $BeamSecTagb $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1412 141 142 $np $BeamSecTagc $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2111 211 221 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2112 212 222 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2121 221 231 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2122 222 232 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2131 231 241 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2132 232 242 $np $ColSecTag $IDColTransf
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2217 221 222 $np $BeamSecTagb $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2317 231 232 $np $BeamSecTagb $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2412 241 242 $np $BeamSecTagc $IDBeamTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1321 121 221 $np $GirdSecTaga $IDGirdTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1322 122 222 $np $GirdSecTaga $IDGirdTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1331 131 231 $np $GirdSecTaga $IDGirdTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1332 132 232 $np $GirdSecTaga $IDGirdTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1341 141 241 $np $GirdSecTagb $IDGirdTransf;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1342 142 242 $np $GirdSecTagb $IDGirdTransf;

set p [expr 7.*3.*$pci/2.];
set alpha [expr 3./10.];
set pet [expr 5.*$p/8.];
set m [expr 1-2.*$alpha*$alpha + $alpha*$alpha*$alpha];
set per [expr $m*$p];
set wall [expr 10.2*$pci];
set QdlBeama [expr $QBeam + $per + $wall];
set QdlBeamb [expr $QBeam + $per];
set QdlGirda [expr $QGird + $pet + $wall];
set QdlGirdb [expr $QGird + 2*$pet];
set QdlGirdc [expr $QGird + $pet];
set WeightCol [expr $QdlCol*$LCol];
set WeightBeama [expr $QdlBeama*$LBeam];
set WeightBeamb [expr $QdlBeamb*$LBeam];
set WeightGirda [expr $QdlGirda*$LGird];
set WeightGirdb [expr $QdlGirdb*$LGird];
set WeightGirdc [expr $QdlGirdc*$LGird];
set Mmida [expr ($WeightCol + $WeightBeama/2 + $WeightGirda/2)/$g];
set Mtopa [expr ($WeightCol/2 + $WeightBeamb/2 + $WeightGirdc/2)/$g];
set Mmidb [expr ($WeightCol + $WeightBeama/2 + $WeightGirdb/2)/$g]; set Mtopb [expr ($WeightCol/2 + $WeightBeamb/2 + $WeightGirdb/2)/$g];
mass 121 $Mmida 0 $Mmida 0. 0. 0.;
mass 122 $Mmidb 0 $Mmidb 0. 0. 0.;
mass 131 $Mmida 0 $Mmida 0. 0. 0.;
mass 132 $Mmidb 0 $Mmidb 0. 0. 0.;
mass 141 $Mtopa 0 $Mtopa 0. 0. 0.;
mass 142 $Mtopb 0 $Mtopb 0. 0. 0.;
mass 221 $Mmida 0 $Mmida 0. 0. 0.;
mass 222 $Mmidb 0 $Mmidb 0. 0. 0.;
mass 231 $Mmida 0 $Mmida 0. 0. 0.;
mass 232 $Mmidb 0 $Mmidb 0. 0. 0.;
mass 241 $Mtopa 0 $Mtopa 0. 0. 0.;
mass 242 $Mtopb 0 $Mtopb 0. 0. 0.;
set FloorWeight2 [expr 4*$WeightCol + $WeightGirda + $WeightGirdb+ 2*$WeightBeama];
set FloorWeight3 [expr 4*$WeightCol + $WeightGirda + $WeightGirdb+ 2*$WeightBeama];
set FloorWeight4 [expr 3*$WeightCol + $WeightGirdc + $WeightGirdb+ 2*$WeightBeamb];
set WeightTotal [expr $FloorWeight2 + $FloorWeight3 + $FloorWeight4];
set MassTotal [expr $WeightTotal/$g];
# Fj = WjHj/sum(WiHi) * Weight
set sumWiHi [expr $FloorWeight2*$Y2 + $FloorWeight3*$Y3 + $FloorWeight4*$Y4];
set WiHi2 [expr $FloorWeight2*$Y2];
set WiHi3 [expr $FloorWeight3*$Y3];
set WiHi4 [expr $FloorWeight4*$Y4];
set F2 [expr $WiHi2/$sumWiHi*$WeightTotal];
set F3 [expr $WiHi3/$sumWiHi*$WeightTotal];
set F4 [expr $WiHi4/$sumWiHi*$WeightTotal];

recorder Node -file $dataDir/DFree.out -time -node 141 -dof 1 2 3 disp;
recorder Node -file $dataDir/DBase.out -time -node 111 112 211 212 113 213 -dof 1 2 3 disp;
recorder Node -file $dataDir/RBase.out -time -node 111 112 211 212 113 213 -dof 1 2 3 reaction;
recorder Drift -file $dataDir/DrNode.out -time -iNode 111 -jNode 141 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2;
set xPixels 650;
set yPixels 400;
set xLoc1 0;
set yLoc1 0;
set dAmp 2;
DisplayModel3D NodeNumbers $dAmp $xLoc1 $yLoc1 $xPixels $yPixels

pattern Plain 101 Linear {
eleLoad -ele 1111 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 1112 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol
eleLoad -ele 1121 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 1122 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol
eleLoad -ele 1131 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 1132 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol
eleLoad -ele 1217 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeama 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1317 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeama 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1412 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeamb 0. ;

eleLoad -ele 2111 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 2112 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol
eleLoad -ele 2121 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 2122 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol
eleLoad -ele 2131 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol;
eleLoad -ele 2132 -type -beamUniform 0. 0. -$QdlCol

eleLoad -ele 2217 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeama 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 2317 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeama 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 2412 -type -beamUniform -$QdlBeamb 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1321 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirda 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1322 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirdb 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1331 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirda 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1332 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirdb 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1341 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirdc 0. ;
eleLoad -ele 1342 -type -beamUniform -$QdlGirdb 0. ;

recorder plot $dataDir/DFree.out 141Ydis 0 400 650 400 -columns 1 3
set Tol 1.0e-8;
variable constraintsTypeGravity Lagrange;
constraints $constraintsTypeGravity ;
numberer RCM;
system BandGeneral;
test EnergyIncr $Tol 6 ;
algorithm Newton;
set NstepGravity 10;
set DGravity [expr 1./$NstepGravity];
integrator LoadControl $DGravity;
analysis Static;
analyze 10;

loadConst -time 0.0
#set Tol 1.0e-6;
puts "Model Built"
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:59 am
Location: zhejiang university of technology

Post by ahu861011 »

It seems to be the element problem. When I changed the element from nonlinearBeamColumn to dispBeamColumn ,it can run a little forwrads, but not to the end.The element type of EX.7 is also nonlinearBeamColumn, and it can get to the end.WHY? Is there any limitation of the element or sometihing else? SOS...
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Location: UC Berkeley

Post by fmk »

it's not an element problem, it's a user problem! .. the force beam column element cannot solve a problem if it's sections are trashed .. the disp beam column will sometime go furher because it does not have do do internal iterations with trashed sections, however the problem manifests itsel at the global level.

i suggest you look at your material and section properties and check from the elements what forces/deformations you are sending to your sections.
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:59 am
Location: zhejiang university of technology

Post by ahu861011 »

After so many days , I still cann't find where the problem is. my section is below:
set cover [expr 25*$in];
set numBarsTopCol 4;
set numBarsBotCol 4;
set numBarsIntCol 2;
set barAreaTopCol [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotCol [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntCol [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeama 6;
set numBarsBotBeama 6;
set numBarsIntBeama 2;
set barAreaTopBeama [expr 314.1*$in*$in]; set barAreaBotBeama [expr 254.3*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeama [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeamb 4;
set numBarsBotBeamb 6;
set numBarsIntBeamb 2;
set barAreaTopBeamb [expr 314.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotBeamb [expr 254.3*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeamb [expr 201.*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopBeamc 4;
set numBarsBotBeamc 6;
set numBarsIntBeamc 2;
set barAreaTopBeamc [expr 254.3*$in*$in]; set barAreaBotBeamc [expr 153.9*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntBeamc [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopGirda 4;
set numBarsBotGirda 6;
set numBarsIntGirda 2;
set barAreaTopGirda [expr 201.1*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotGirda [expr 113.*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntGirda [expr 201*$in*$in];
set numBarsTopGirdb 4;
set numBarsBotGirdb 6;
set numBarsIntGirdb 2;
set barAreaTopGirdb [expr 154*$in*$in];
set barAreaBotGirdb [expr 113.*$in*$in];
set barAreaIntGirdb [expr 201*$in*$in];
set nfCoreY 40;
set nfCoreZ 40;
set nfCoverY 20;
set nfCoverZ 20;
BuildRCrectSection $ColSecTagFiber $HCol $BCol $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopCol $barAreaTopCol $numBarsBotCol $barAreaBotCol $numBarsIntCol $barAreaIntCol $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFibera $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeama $barAreaTopBeama $numBarsBotBeama $barAreaBotBeama $numBarsIntBeama $barAreaIntBeama $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFiberb $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeamb $barAreaTopBeamb $numBarsBotBeamb $barAreaBotBeamb $numBarsIntBeamb $barAreaIntBeamb $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $BeamSecTagFiberc $HBeam $BBeam $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopBeamc $barAreaTopBeamc $numBarsBotBeamc $barAreaBotBeamc $numBarsIntBeamc $barAreaIntBeamc $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $GirdSecTagFibera $HGird $BGird $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopGirda $barAreaTopGirda $numBarsBotGirda $barAreaBotGirda $numBarsIntGirda $barAreaIntGirda $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ
BuildRCrectSection $GirdSecTagFiberb $HGird $BGird $cover $cover $IDconcCore $IDconcCover $IDSteel $numBarsTopGirdb $barAreaTopGirdb $numBarsBotGirdb $barAreaBotGirdb $numBarsIntGirdb $barAreaIntGirdb $nfCoreY $nfCoreZ $nfCoverY $nfCoverZ

my material is below,could anyone help me to find th e problem? God bless you!

# General Material parameters
set G $Ubig; # make stiff shear modulus
set J 1.0; # torsional section stiffness (G makes GJ large)
set GJ [expr $G*$J];

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# confined and unconfined CONCRETE
# nominal concrete compressive strength
set fc [expr -16.7*$ksi]; # CONCRETE Compressive Strength, ksi (+Tension, -Compression)
set Ec [expr 28000.*$ksi]; # Concrete Elastic Modulus
set nu 0.2;
set Gc [expr $Ec/2./[expr 1+$nu]]; # Torsional stiffness Modulus

# confined concrete
set Kfc 1.3; # ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength
set Kres 0.85; # ratio of residual/ultimate to maximum stress
set fc1C [expr $Kfc*$fc]; # CONFINED concrete (mander model), maximum stress
set eps1C [expr 2.*$fc1C/$Ec]; # strain at maximum stress
set fc2C [expr $Kres*$fc1C]; # ultimate stress
set eps2C [expr 2*$eps1C]; # strain at ultimate stress
set lambda 0.1; # ratio between unloading slope at $eps2 and initial slope $Ec
# unconfined concrete
set fc1U $fc; # UNCONFINED concrete (todeschini parabolic model), maximum stress
set eps1U -0.002; # strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete
set fc2U [expr 0.85*$fc1U]; # ultimate stress
set eps2U -0.0038; # strain at ultimate stress

# tensile-strength properties
set ftC [expr -0.14*$fc1C]; # tensile strength +tension
set ftU [expr 1.78*$ksi]; # tensile strength +tension
set Ets [expr $ftU/0.002]; # tension softening stiffness

# set up library of materials
set IDconcCore 1
set IDconcCover 2
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCore $fc1C $eps1C $fc2C $eps2C $lambda $ftC $Ets; # Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCover $fc1U $eps1U $fc2U $eps2U $lambda $ftU $Ets; # Cover concrete (unconfined)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# REINFORCING STEEL parameters
set Fy [expr 300.*$ksi]; # STEEL yield stress
set Es [expr 200000.*$ksi]; # modulus of steel
set Bs 0.01; # strain-hardening ratio
set R0 18; # control the transition from elastic to plastic branches
set cR1 0.925; # control the transition from elastic to plastic branches
set cR2 0.15; # control the transition from elastic to plastic branches

set IDSteel 3
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $IDSteel $Fy $Es $Bs $R0 $cR1 $cR2 :?:
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