Dear Dr Silvia
I modeled soil-structure interaction. I model soil and foundation by quad element and elasticBeamColumn element, respectively. in ground level, I define three group elements (soil node, virtual node and foundation node) in same coordinate. virtual nodes have tow degree freedom in x and y direction. virtual nodes and foundation nodes were tied in x and y direction by equaldof comment. I used zeroLengthContactNTS2D element for slipping between soil and virtual nodes. I used nonlinear dynamic analysis for model.
first I did a eigenvalue analysis, and structure periods were acceptable. but when I did nonlinear dynamic analysis for model, this warning was displayed:
WARNING: CTestNormDispIncr::test() - failed to converge but going on - current
Norm: 0.0171762 (max: 0.01, Norm deltaR: 308.865)
WARNING: CTestNormDispIncr::test() - failed to converge but going on - current
Norm: 539889 (max: 0.01, Norm deltaR: 5.06599e+009)
which is warning?
zeroLengthContactNTS2D element and warning
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