hello everyone,
i am new to opensees and would like to know something about getStrain(), getStress() methods for a uniaxial material.
i just wonder how to keep tracking of commited strain at each time step and how it is passed to the recorder to report the strain in an element which the material is associted with.
Actually I want to keep tracking of the strain in the uniaxial viscous material at each time step.
your help would be of great importance.
material responses
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
t's the setResponse()/getResponse() methods you want to look at:
if for example a FOrceBEamColumn with FiberSections .. when ElementRecorder is created it invoked setReponse on ele, ele invokes setResponse on Section if it finds keyword section, and so on down to uniaxialMaterial. if an object understands the request it returns a Response object; otherwise NULL.
the ElementRecorder is told to record on each commit. It just asks all it's response objects to getReponse() from whatever it is they are pointing to. the MaterialResponse will invoke getReponse() on the UniaxialMaterial,
the material then based on the integr identifying what it is the recorder wants fills the data in the MaterialResponse object.
ithe setResponse() and getResponse() are defined in UniaxialMaterial.cpp for the UniaxialMaterial, thoughyou can change any uniaxial material to overwrite them.
the MaterialResponse class is in SRC/recorder/response, though it doesn't do very much.
if for example a FOrceBEamColumn with FiberSections .. when ElementRecorder is created it invoked setReponse on ele, ele invokes setResponse on Section if it finds keyword section, and so on down to uniaxialMaterial. if an object understands the request it returns a Response object; otherwise NULL.
the ElementRecorder is told to record on each commit. It just asks all it's response objects to getReponse() from whatever it is they are pointing to. the MaterialResponse will invoke getReponse() on the UniaxialMaterial,
the material then based on the integr identifying what it is the recorder wants fills the data in the MaterialResponse object.
ithe setResponse() and getResponse() are defined in UniaxialMaterial.cpp for the UniaxialMaterial, thoughyou can change any uniaxial material to overwrite them.
the MaterialResponse class is in SRC/recorder/response, though it doesn't do very much.