Hi, Dr. Silvia.
When I utilize the element dispBeamColumnInt with concret06, the anlaysis converges but the result is unreasonable. So I replace the concrete06 by concrete01,
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete06 $confconcr $fc $eo $n $k $alphaC $fcr $ecr $b $alphaT;
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 $confconcr $fc $eo $fc [expr 1.6*$eo]
system BandGeneral;constraints Transformation;numberer RCM;test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 10 3;algorithm Newton;
integrator DisplacementControl $lpoint 1 $dU 1 $dU $dU
the error info is:
WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve() -LAPACK routine returned 2
WARNING NewtonRaphson::solveCurrentStep() -the LinearSysOfEqn failed in solve()
StaticAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at iteration: 0 with domain at
load factor -1.#IND
If I use ModifiedNewton algorithm:
system BandGeneral; constraints Transformation; numberer Plain;
test NormDispIncr $tolLatNew $iterLatNew;
algorithm ModifiedNewton -initial
error info is:
WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve() -LAPACK routine returned 2
DisplacementControl::newStep(void) - failed in solver
StaticAnalysis::analyze() - the Integrator failed at iteration: 0 with domain at
load factor 0
Could you please help me to solve the problem?
Thank you very much!
Convergence to unconvergence after replacing con06 by con01
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Thank you for your fast reply, Dr. Silvia.
If I use concrete02, analysis converges. However, the analytical value of load is unreasonably little. The aim for using concrete01 is to decrease the slope of declining branch of the load-displacement curve after crack or yield. Because using concrete06, the decling branch is very steep.
Could you please give me advice to make the analysis to be convergence?
Should I change the constrain methods or system methods?
If I use concrete02, analysis converges. However, the analytical value of load is unreasonably little. The aim for using concrete01 is to decrease the slope of declining branch of the load-displacement curve after crack or yield. Because using concrete06, the decling branch is very steep.
Could you please give me advice to make the analysis to be convergence?
Should I change the constrain methods or system methods?
it all depends on your model, yes. a steep change of stiffness can cause significant problems.
have you looked at the scripts in the examples manual? there are scripts on how to deal with non-convergence, you make some changes to the analysis.
have you looked at the scripts in the examples manual? there are scripts on how to deal with non-convergence, you make some changes to the analysis.
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:39 am
- Location: China