Running OpenSeesSP

This forum is for issues related to parallel processing
and OpenSees using the new interpreters OpenSeesSP and OpenSeesMP

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Running OpenSeesSP

Post by castonguay.pierre »


I've tried (unsuccessfully) to install OpenSeesSP on Windows Server 2008. I'm at the point where I can actually open OpenSeesSP and write commands... except that when I write:

mpirun -np 4 OpenSeesSingleParallelInterpreter mymodel.tcl

I get the message that mpirun is not a valid command. What could be the cause of this?

I'm sorry if this is a pretty elementary question... I have no experience with parallel processing (hence the reason I'm trying to use OpenSeesSP and not MP)

Any help is much appreciated.
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Post by neallee »

mpiexec -np ....

It should be some configuration problems about the enviromental variables.

check your command console with the command

make sure the path includes the mpi bin folder
Li Ning, Ph.D. and Professor of Civil Engineering
TJU, China
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