NewTemplate3D Examples

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NewTemplate3D Examples

Post by rjaeger »

Since there aren't any examples in the user manual, I thought it would be appropriate to have a thread within 'Soil Modeling' on how to properly use NewTemplate3D classes. There are examples in Professor Boris Jeremic's notes which need slight modification to work. The idea here is that these would be fixed and posted to this thread.

**Modified Cam-Clay***

# Elastic material
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic3D 1 2.0e7 0.2 0.8e3
## Cam-Clay, Plastic Volumetric Hardening
set rho 1.5
set e0 1.2
set lambda 0.20
set kappa 0.05
set Kc 8.0
set M 0.9
set v 0.3
set p0 100
set mc "$rho $e0 $lambda $kappa $Kc $M $v"
set mp "MaterialConstant 7 $mc InternalScalar 1 $p0"
set el "elnp 4 7 5 2"
set yf "Cam-Clay 0 6 1 1"
set pf "Cam-Clay 0 6 1 1"
set se "Cam-Clay 3 4 2 1"
nDMaterial NewTemplate3Dep 2 -MaterialParameter $mp \
-ElasticState $el \
-YieldFunction $yf \
-PlasticFlow $pf \
-ScalarEvolution $se
Posts: 102
Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:57 pm
Location: UC Davis

Post by rjaeger »

Dafalias Manzari 2004 (From Alisa Neeman)

set rho [expr 1478.0*$kg/pow($m, 3)]; #unit weight

set rho1 $rho

# ##DM04############################
set e0 0.65
set G0 125.0
set v 0.05
set Pat 100.0
set kc 0.8
set M_cal 1.25
set c 0.712
set lambda_c 0.019
set xi 0.7
set er 0.934
set m_low 0.01
set h0 7.05
set ch 0.968
set nb 1.1
set A0 0.704
set nd 3.5
set z_max 4.0
set cz 600.0
set zZ "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
set p -1.0
set initS "$p 0.0 0.0 0.0 $p 0.0 0.0 0.0 $p"
set zS "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"

## Specify some constants
set grvt 10
set Gr [expr -$grvt];
set poro [expr $e0/(1.0+$e0)]
set alpha 1.0
set rho_s 2.8
set rho_f 1.0
set bulk_s 1.0e12
set bulk_f 2.2e6
set kx [expr 5.0e-4/$grvt/$rho_f]
set ky [expr 5.0e-4/$grvt/$rho_f]
set kz [expr 5.0e-4/$grvt/$rho_f]
set rho [expr (1.0-$poro)*$rho_s + $poro*$rho_f ]

##-------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
set mc "$rho $e0 $G0 $v $Pat $kc $M_cal $c $lambda_c $xi $er $m_low $h0 $ch $nb $A0 $nd $z_max $cz"
set it "$zS $zZ"
set mp "MaterialConstant 19 $mc InternalTensor 2 $it"
set el "Dafalias-Manzari 3 4 5 6 2 $initS"
set yf "Dafalias-Manzari 0 12 2 1"
set pf "Dafalias-Manzari 0 2 0 11 0 9 0 10 0 5 0 12 0 7 0 8 0 16 0 17 2 1 2 2"

set te1 "Dafalias-Manzari 2 11 9 10 5 12 7 8 15 13 14 3 1 2"
# originally, not enough parameters for openseesPDD
#set te2 "Dafalias-Manzari-fabric 12 19 18 1 2"

#alisa - using thesis values.. first 8 mimic te1
set te2 "Dafalias-Manzari-fabric 2 11 9 10 5 12 7 8 16 17 19 18 1 2"

set te "$te1 $te2"

nDMaterial NewTemplate3Dep 1 -MaterialParameter $mp \
-ElasticState $el \
-YieldFunction $yf \
-PlasticFlow $pf \
-TensorEvolution $te