Doing Reversed Cyclic Analysis using DisplacementControl
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Doing Reversed Cyclic Analysis using DisplacementControl
Is it possible to analyze members tested under reversed cyclic loads using DisplacementControl command. DisplacementControl allows us to apply only one displacement increment. How can we apply a displacement history using DisplacementControl command?
Arghadeep Laskar.
University of Houston
Arghadeep Laskar.
University of Houston
Thanks for your reply Silvia. I am trying to analyze some coulmns tested under pseudo dynamic loads. For this I have to apply 6000 displacement increments to my column model during the analysis. Is it possible to associate these 6000 displacement increments from a .txt file to the DispacementControl command in the tcl/tk input file.
if you actually want to use displacement control and not imposed displacements, then after you have defined your reference loads use something like this
(note this assumes one data point per line
and the last line in the file contains a number)
(note this assumes one data point per line
and the last line in the file contains a number)
Code: Select all
set dataPoints [open a.dat]
set lines [split [read $dataPoints] \n]
foreach currentDisp $lines {
set incrDisp [expr $currentDisp - $lastDisp]
integrator DisplacementControl $controlNode $dof $incrDisp
set ok [analyze 1]
if {$ok != 0} {
set lastDisp $currentDisp