opensees doesn't run..Help..urgent..

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opensees doesn't run..Help..urgent..

Post by sriram »

Hello everyone,
When i run my input file, I get the folwing message with out any analysis.
" End of the script <C:\Sriram> reached, Press any key to continue."

I created this input file by modifing some of parameters from another input file, which runs fine on opensees. SO can anyone tell me where i might be going wrong?? I mean what might be causing opensees not to run..

thanks for the help..

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Post by silvia »

please post the script
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:37 am
Location: Iowa State University ,Ames

Post by sriram »

Hello silvia,
here is the input file. thanks for the help. I am also attending the opensees workshop on Monday. If you have time I like to talk to you during that time.


#****--------------Analyis of MAST WALL (RWC)-----------------****
#****-----------Created by Sriram on sep03 2008---------------****
wipe; # clear memory of all past model definitions
#refernece points of the corners of wall
set 1y -45
set 1z -3
set 2y 45
set 2z -3
set 3y 45
set 3z 3
set 4y -45
set 4z 3
## Confined conrete reference points
## #6- region
set 5y 36.25
set 5z -2.3125
set 6y 43.125
set 6z -2.3125
set 7y 43.125
set 7z 2.625
set 8y 36.25
set 8z 2.625
# #9-region
set 9y -43.6875
set 9z -1.9375
set 10y -39.125
set 10z -1.9375
set 11y -39.125
set 11z 1.9375
set 12y -43.6875
set 12z 1.9375
#unconfined regions
set 13y -43.6875
set 13z -3
set 14y 43.125
set 14z -3
set 15y 43.125
set 15z 3
set 16y -43.6875
set 16z 3
set 17y -39.125
set 17z -3
set 18y 36.25
set 18z -3
set 19y 36.25
set 19z 3
set 20y -39.125
set 20z 3
# steel layer reference points.. Note that it is assumed that all the rebar is on the center line of the wall (i.e z=0)
set ay 42.75;
set by 42.625
set cy 39.8125
set dy 39.5
set ey 36.75
set fy 36.9375
set gy 29.125
set hy 29.1875
set iy 11.375
set jy 11.3125
set ky -6.5
set ly -6.375
set my -24
set ny -23.75
set oy -33.25
set py -33.0
set qy -36.875
set ry -36.6875
set sy -40.25
set ty -39.8125
set uy -43.0
set vy -42.875
# Model Generation
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3
#create nodes
node 1 0 0
node 2 0 0
node 3 5 0
node 4 20 0
node 5 36 0
node 6 52 0
node 7 69 0
node 8 82 0
node 9 96 0
node 10 108 0
node 11 123 0
node 12 150 0
node 13 177 0
node 14 227 0
node 15 240 0
#boundary conditions
fix 1 1 1 1
fix 2 0 1 0
##Materail models:
## confined boundary 1, #6 region
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 1 -11.05 -0.006734 4936.344 0.250 0.00010 2 10 1.497
uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 1 -10.43 -0.005904 4936.344 0.250 0.00010 2 10 1.557
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 1 -9.2580 -0.004344 4936.344 0.250 0.00010 2 10 1.759; #takingthe hoop strains from the calculate the confinement effect.

### confined boundary 2, #4 region
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 2 -8.583 -0.00344 4936.344 0.250 0.0001 2 10 2.02
uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 2 -8.375 -0.003167 4936.344 0.250 0.0001 2 10 2.153

###confined bounday 3, #9 region
uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 3 -11.25 -0.007003 4936.344 0.25 0.0001 2 10 1.482
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 3 -10.59 -0.006132 4936.344 0.25 0.0001 2 10 1.54
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 3 -9.1747 -0.004233 4936.344 0.25 0.0001 2 10 1.7827 ;#takingthe hoop strains from the calculate the confinement effec

##------------------ Unconfined Concrete Model ------------------------------#
uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 4 -7.5 -0.002327 4936.344 0.25 0.0001 2 2.3 8.1
uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 5 -9.10 -0.00244 5437.453 0.2448 0.00011 2 2.3 10.23

## confined boundary 1, #6 region
##uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 6 -11.64 -0.006814 5053.74 0.0250 0.000050 2 30 1.51
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 6 -10.98 -0.005971 5053.74 0.0250 0.000050 2 10 1.572
##uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 6 -9.445 -0.004016 5053.74 0.0250 0.000050 2 30 1.871; #takingthe hoop strains from the calculate the confinement effect.
#### confined boundary 2, #4 region
##uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 7 -8.946 -0.003381 5053.74 0.2260 0.000089 2 30 2.10
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 7 -8.738 -0.003116 5053.74 0.2260 0.000089 2 10 2.25
####confined bounday 3, #9 region
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 8 -11.61 -0.006768 5053.74 0.025 0.00005 2 30 1.5138
##uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 8 -10.95 -0.005933 5053.74 0.025 0.00005 2 10 1.5755
##uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 8 -9.393 -0.003949 5053.74 0.025 0.00005 2 30 1.8893 ; #takingthe hoop strains from the calculate the confinement effec
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 9 -7.861 -0.00235 5053.74 0.25 0.00005 2 2.3 8.34
#uniaxialMaterial Concrete07 10 -6.880 -0.00228 4727.90 0.2448 0.00011 2 2.3 7.27
##------------------------Steel Models ------------------------------
#steel model for #5 rebar
#uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel 11 71.03 97.5 28537 875 0.0097 0.101
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 11 71.03 28561 0.0165 10 0.925 0.15 0 5 0 5
##steel model for #6 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 12 71.0 28249 0.01471 15 0.925 0.15 0 5 0 5
#uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel 12 71.00 96.53 28249 800 0.0096 0.101
###steel model for #9 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 13 66.74 28285 0.015308 15 0.925 0.15 0 5 0 5
#uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel 13 66.74 90.00 26546.2 775 0.011 0.086
##steelmodel for #4 bars
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 14 58.0 22882.5 0.03 10 0.925 0.15 0 5 0 5
#uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel 14 53.1 90.0 22882.5 1500 0.003 0.1
# ------------------ model for the interface element -------------------------------#
#strain penetration models for the rebars.
#Barslip element for #5 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 21 71.03 0.01541 97.5 0.4623 0.4 0.8
#Barslip element for #6 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 22 71.0 0.01680 96.53 0.504 0.4 0.8
#Barslip element for #9 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 23 66.74 0.02196 90.0 0.6588 0.4 0.8
#Barslip element for #4 rebar
uniaxialMaterial Bond_SP01 24 55.1 0.01373 100 0.4119 0.4 0.8
#------------------Concrete Models ----------------------------#
# #6 confined region
uniaxialMaterial Concrete03 31 -11.77 -0.006959 -8.0799 -0.029 0.4 0.0354 0.002 0.0004 2.5 0.003
# #4 confined region
uniaxialMaterial Concrete03 32 -8.667 -0.003012 -3.1783 -0.01169 0.4 0.0354 0.002 0.0004 2.5 0.003
# #9 confined region
uniaxialMaterial Concrete03 33 -10.95 -0.005933 -6.4686 -0.03027 0.4 0.0354 0.002 0.0004 2.5 0.003
# Unconfined concrete models
uniaxialMaterial Concrete03 34 -7.860 -0.00235 -0.05 -0.007 0.4 0.0354 0.002 0.0004 2.5 0.003
uniaxialMaterial Concrete03 35 -6.880 -0.00235 -0.05 -0.007 0.4 0.665 0.002 0.0004 2.5 0.003

#-------------------- Shear Models -----------------------------------------------#

#------------------------ Defining the fiber sections-------------------------#
section Fiber 1 {
#definingthe confined regions
patch quad 3 30 28 $9y $9z $10y $10z $11y $11z $12y $12z; #9 confined region
patch quad 2 280 28 $10y $10z $5y $5z $8y $8z $11y $11z; #4confined region
patch quad 1 50 35 $5y $5z $6y $6z $7y $7z $8y $8z; #6 confined region
#defining the unconfined cover concrete
patch quad 4 4 40 $1y $1z $13y $13z $16y $16z $4y $4z
patch quad 4 30 4 $13y $13z $17y $17z $10y $10z $9y $9z
patch quad 4 30 4 $12y $12z $11y $11z $20y $20z $16y $16z
patch quad 4 280 4 $17y $17z $18y $18z $5y $5z $10y $10z
patch quad 4 280 4 $11y $11z $8y $8z $19y $19z $20y $20z
patch quad 4 50 4 $18y $18z $14y $14z $6y $6z $5y $5z
patch quad 4 50 4 $8y $8z $7y $7z $15y $15z $19y $19z
patch quad 4 4 40 $14y $14z $2y $2z $3y $3z $15y $15z

# Create Reinforcing Steel Fibers
fiber $ay 0 0.44 12
fiber $by 0 0.44 12
fiber $cy 0 0.31 11
fiber $dy 0 0.31 11
fiber $ey 0 0.44 12
fiber $fy 0 0.44 12
fiber $gy 0 0.2 14
fiber $hy 0 0.2 14
fiber $iy 0 0.2 14
fiber $jy 0 0.2 14
fiber $ky 0 0.2 14
fiber $ly 0 0.2 14
fiber $my 0 0.2 14
fiber $ny 0 0.2 14
fiber $oy 0 1.0 13
fiber $py 0 1.0 13
fiber $qy 0 1.0 13
fiber $ry 0 1.0 13
fiber $sy 0 1.0 13
fiber $ty 0 1.0 13
fiber $uy 0 1.0 13
fiber $vy 0 1.0 13

# Aero length section (for strain penetration)
section Fiber 2 {
patch quad 3 30 28 $9y $9z $10y $10z $11y $11z $12y $12z; #9 confined region
patch quad 2 280 28 $10y $10z $5y $5z $8y $8z $11y $11z; #4confined region
patch quad 1 50 35 $5y $5z $6y $6z $7y $7z $8y $8z; #6 confined region
#defining the unconfined cover concrete
patch quad 4 4 40 $1y $1z $13y $13z $16y $16z $4y $4z
patch quad 4 30 4 $13y $13z $17y $17z $10y $10z $9y $9z
patch quad 4 30 4 $12y $12z $11y $11z $20y $20z $16y $16z
patch quad 4 280 4 $17y $17z $18y $18z $5y $5z $10y $10z
patch quad 4 280 4 $11y $11z $8y $8z $19y $19z $20y $20z
patch quad 4 50 4 $18y $18z $14y $14z $6y $6z $5y $5z
patch quad 4 50 4 $8y $8z $7y $7z $15y $15z $19y $19z
patch quad 4 4 40 $14y $14z $2y $2z $3y $3z $15y $15z
# Create Reinforcing Steel Fibers
fiber $ay 0 0.44 22
fiber $by 0 0.44 22
fiber $cy 0 0.31 21
fiber $dy 0 0.31 21
fiber $ey 0 0.44 22
fiber $fy 0 0.44 22
fiber $gy 0 0.2 24
fiber $hy 0 0.2 24
fiber $iy 0 0.2 24
fiber $jy 0 0.2 24
fiber $ky 0 0.2 24
fiber $ly 0 0.2 24
fiber $my 0 0.2 24
fiber $ny 0 0.2 24
fiber $oy 0 1.0 23
fiber $py 0 1.0 23
fiber $qy 0 1.0 23
fiber $ry 0 1.0 23
fiber $sy 0 1.0 23
fiber $ty 0 1.0 23
fiber $uy 0 1.0 23
fiber $vy 0 1.0 23
# to simulate the larger dia and area of couplers; use the beam column element length = 5 in ( length of # 9 coupler)
section Fiber 3 {
patch quad 2 30 28 $9y $9z $10y $10z $11y $11z $12y $12z ; #9 confined region
patch quad 2 280 28 $10y $10z $5y $5z $8y $8z $11y $11z ; #4confined region
patch quad 2 50 35 $5y $5z $6y $6z $7y $7z $8y $8z ; #6 confined region
#defining the unconfined cover concrete
patch quad 4 4 40 $1y $1z $13y $13z $16y $16z $4y $4z
patch quad 4 30 4 $13y $13z $17y $17z $10y $10z $9y $9z
patch quad 4 30 4 $12y $12z $11y $11z $20y $20z $16y $16z
patch quad 4 280 4 $17y $17z $18y $18z $5y $5z $10y $10z
patch quad 4 280 4 $11y $11z $8y $8z $19y $19z $20y $20z
patch quad 4 50 4 $18y $18z $14y $14z $6y $6z $5y $5z
patch quad 4 50 4 $8y $8z $7y $7z $15y $15z $19y $19z
patch quad 4 4 40 $14y $14z $2y $2z $3y $3z $15y $15z
# Create Reinforcing Steel Fibers
fiber $ay 0 1.77 12
fiber $by 0 1.77 12
fiber $cy 0 0.99 11
fiber $dy 0 0.99 11
fiber $ey 0 1.77 12
fiber $fy 0 1.77 12
fiber $gy 0 0.99 14
fiber $hy 0 0.99 14
fiber $iy 0 0.99 14
fiber $jy 0 0.99 14
fiber $ky 0 0.99 14
fiber $ly 0 0.99 14
fiber $my 0 0.99 14
fiber $ny 0 0.99 14
fiber $oy 0 2.0 13
fiber $py 0 2.0 13
fiber $qy 0 2.0 13
fiber $ry 0 2.0 13
fiber $sy 0 2.0 13
fiber $ty 0 2.0 13
fiber $uy 0 2.0 13
fiber $vy 0 2.0 13

geomTransf PDelta 1
#puts "file reading done"

element zeroLengthSection 1 1 2 2
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 2 3 5 3 1
puts "file reading done"
#element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 2 3 5 3 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-4;
element nonlinearBeamColumn 3 3 4 5 1 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-4
element nonlinearBeamColumn 4 4 5 5 1 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-4
element nonlinearBeamColumn 5 5 6 5 1 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-4
element nonlinearBeamColumn 6 6 7 5 1 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-3
element nonlinearBeamColumn 7 7 8 5 1 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-3
element nonlinearBeamColumn 8 8 9 5 3 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-3
element nonlinearBeamColumn 9 9 10 5 3 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-3
element nonlinearBeamColumn 10 10 11 5 4 1 -mass 0.0166667 -iter 3500 1.0e-3
element dispBeamColumn 11 11 12 5 4 1
element dispBeamColumn 12 12 13 5 4 1
element dispBeamColumn 13 13 14 5 4 1
element dispBeamColumn 14 14 15 5 1 1

recorder Node -file MAST_RWC_top.out -time -node 15 -dof 2 disp; # top disp
#recorder Node -file MAST_RWN_1ststory.out -time -node 4 -dof 2 disp; # 1st story disp
#recorder Node -file MAST_RWN_2ndstory.out -time -node

# Define analysis parameters
set du 0.01
set dv 0.02
integrator DisplacementControl 15 2 $du
#system SparseSPD
system SparseGeneral -piv
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-5 5500 1
numberer Plain
constraints Plain
algorithm KrylovNewton
analysis Static
# Define reference load
pattern Plain 1 "Linear" {
load 15 0.0 1.0 0.0
logFile screendump_RWC.dat
analyze 175
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 am
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Post by silvia »

what does logfile mean???
some command is making the program exit opensees. you need to place counters along your file to see what is causing the problem, maybeit is the logFile command.
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 3909
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 am
Location: Degenkolb Engineers

Post by silvia »

sri, what do you use for fl1 and fl2 in your confined concrete07?
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:37 am
Location: Iowa State University ,Ames

Post by sriram »

HI silvia,
I don't use fl1 and fl2. I didn't use those equations ( A, x', B etc..) to get ecc and fcc. I used the equations given in priestley book on seismic design of bridges to get ecc,fcc values. It is based on chang and mander model, but I think, the book simplified all the complicated equations ( A and B etc..) into one single simple equation.

ecc= eco*(1+5*[(fcc/fc)-1])
fcc =fc { 2.254 *sqrt [1+7.94*(fl/fc)]-2*(fl/fc)-1.254}
where fl is the effective confinement pressure = 0.5*ke*fysteel*(rowx+rowy)
These equations work out to be good and my simulation results on rectangular walls are really good.

In anycase, I think fl1 and fl2 are the effective confinement pressures provided by the confinement steel in directions 1 and 2 ( or x and y).
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Location: Degenkolb Engineers

Post by silvia »

super, thanx
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 3909
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 am
Location: Degenkolb Engineers

Post by silvia »

have you used this material in a 3D model? i can't get it to converge pretty early on....
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:37 am
Location: Iowa State University ,Ames

Post by sriram »

Hi silvia,
I used this concrete model for modelling the rectangular concrete wall and Jon waugh used to model T-walls under multi directional loading. But those are 2D models. I never tried using this material in 3D model. May be jon waugh can say more about it as he is the one who coded this material into opensees.

by the way, I have on equestion to ask you. I am trying to model rectangular steel plate supported at 4 corners and load P is applied at the center of plate. I am trying to use the quad elemets to model the plate.However I can't find a nDMaterial to define the steel properties.. Do you have any suggestions on what material model I can use??
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Post by silvia »

interesting problem, i haven't done much with the 2d materials and elements, yet....
we do need some good 2d materials, though, that's for sure......
Silvia Mazzoni, PhD
Structural Consultant
Degenkolb Engineers
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA. 94104
Posts: 110
Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:20 pm
Location: HNTB - Portland ME

Post by jwaugh »

I have used it in a 3D model, how else would I have done multi-directional loading, and it worked fine.
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