I try to run a simple code for the use of "uniaxialMaterial UVCuniaxial" which is located in:
"https://github.com/ahartloper/UVC_MatMo ... s_test.tcl"
For this purpose, I utlize the version 3.5.0 of Opensees. But, at each time, I get the following warning:
uniaxialMaterial UVCuniaxial 1 179800.0 318.5 100.7 8.0 0.0 1.0 2 11608.2 145.2 1026.0 4.7
Using the UVCuniaxial material, see https://www.epfl.ch/labs/resslab/resslab-tools/
WARNING invalid uniaxialMaterial UVCuniaxial tag
asif the material tag is not correctly read ?????
Which step I neglect?
Material Model "uniaxialMaterial UVCuniaxial"
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Material Model "uniaxialMaterial UVCuniaxial"
Try using the latest version of OpenSees.