Half-car model with CoupledZeroLength Elements

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Half-car model with CoupledZeroLength Elements

Post by bennuDJ »


I’m working on building a half-car model using CoupledZeroLength elements. The model has 4 degrees of freedom (DoF), including the vertical displacements of the individual masses and the lateral rotation about the vehicle’s center of mass.


I’ve attached the code I’ve developed so far. Unfortunately, it doesn’t produce the correct solution. Could you please provide guidance on how to properly model this half-car system?

The initial goal is to test the model's performance under a standard static load. Once this is validated, I plan to conduct a transient analysis by applying multi-support ground-imposed displacements to simulate road input.

Thank you!

Code: Select all

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import opsvis as opsv

# Parameters
kt = 175.e4  # Tire stiffness (N/m)
ks = 6.e6    # Suspension stiffness (N/m)
cs = 1.e4    # Suspension damping (N*s/m)

mu = 900     # Unsprung mass (kg)
mb = 10500   # Sprung mass (kg)
ib = 50000   # Sprung mass moment of inertia (kg*m^2)
g = 9.81     # Gravity (m/s^2)

# Total load due to gravity
N = (mb + 2 * mu) * g  # Static load

# Define the OpenSees model
ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)  # 2D model with 3 DOFs per node

# Define nodes (X, Y positions)
# Base nodes (unsprung masses)
ops.node(0, 0, 0)       # Front axle base
ops.fix(0, 1, 1, 1)     # Fixed

ops.node(100, 5, 0)     # Rear axle base
ops.fix(100, 1, 1, 1)   # Fixed

# Unsprung masses (tires)
ops.node(1, 0, 0)       # Front unsprung mass
ops.node(101, 5, 0)     # Rear unsprung mass

# Sprung mass (rigid body)
ops.node(2, 0, 0)       # Front connection to body
ops.node(102, 5, 0)     # Rear connection to body
ops.node(10, 2.5, 0)    # Center of mass of the body
ops.fix(2, 1, 0, 0)    # Front connection to body free in Y and rotation
ops.fix(102, 1, 0, 0)    # Rear connection to body free in Y and rotation
ops.fix(10, 1, 0, 0)    # Center mass free in Y and rotation

# Define mass
ops.mass(10, 0, mb, ib)

ops.mass(1, 0, mu, 0)
ops.mass(101, 0, mu, 0)

# Define materials
ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, kt)       # Tire stiffness
ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 2, ks, cs)  # Suspension stiffness

# Define elements
# Front axle
ops.element('CoupledZeroLength', 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1)  # Tire and suspension
ops.element('CoupledZeroLength', 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2)  # Suspension to sprung mass

# Rear axle
ops.element('CoupledZeroLength', 3, 100, 101, 1, 2, 1)  # Tire and suspension
ops.element('CoupledZeroLength', 4, 101, 102, 1, 2, 2)  # Suspension to sprung mass

# Rigid diaphragm to connect front and rear sprung masses
ops.rigidDiaphragm(1, 10, *[2, 102])

# Visualization of the model

# Static analysis setup
# Create TimeSeries
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

# Create a plain load pattern
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1)

# Apply static vertical load at the center of mass
ops.load(10, 0, -N, 0)  # Apply vertical load (-N)

# Static analysis configuration
ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1e-6, 10, 0)
ops.algorithm("KrylovNewton")       # Linear algorithm
ops.system("UmfPack")         # System of equations
ops.constraints("Transformation")      # Constraints
ops.integrator("LoadControl", 1.0)  # Load control with step size 1.0
ops.analysis("Static")        # Static analysis

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Re: Half-car model with CoupledZeroLength Elements

Post by mhscott »

I don't think the 'rigidDiaphragm' is doing what you want. Try using 'rigidLink -beam' instead.

https://portwooddigital.com/2023/04/02/ ... nto-a-bar/
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Re: Half-car model with CoupledZeroLength Elements

Post by bennuDJ »

Dear Prof. Scott,

Thank you for your response. Using a rigid beam to connect the center of mass to the oscillators provides an appropriate solution. Attached is the working code.

Code: Select all

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import opsvis as opsv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# =============================================================================
# Material Definition
# =============================================================================
ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)

# Material 1 - Tire stiffness
k1 = 175.e4  # Stiffness for material 1
ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, k1)

# =============================================================================
# Model Generation
# =============================================================================
# Geometry parameters
axle_space = 5  # Axle spacing (inches)

# Node and Element Definitions
# Row 1 (Left axle)
ops.node(0, 0, 0)  # Fixed node for row 1
ops.fix(0, 1, 1, 1)
ops.node(1, 0, 0)  # Free node for row 1
ops.element('zeroLength', 1, 0, 1, '-mat', 1, 1, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Tire element between node 0 and node 1

# Row 2 (Right axle)
ops.node(100, -axle_space, 0)  # Fixed node for row 2
ops.fix(100, 1, 1, 1)
ops.node(101, -axle_space, 0)  # Free node for row 2
ops.element('zeroLength', 2, 100, 101, '-mat', 1, 1, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Tire element between node 100 and node 101

# Center Node
ops.node(10, -axle_space * 0.5, 0)
ops.mass(10, 0, 10500, 50000)

# Rigid Links
ops.rigidLink('-beam', 10, 1)
ops.rigidLink('-beam', 10, 101)

# Visualize Model

# =============================================================================
# Transient Analysis Setup
# =============================================================================
# Time Parameters
total_time = 2  # seconds
time_steps = 1000
time = np.linspace(0, total_time, time_steps)  # Time vector
dt = time[1] - time[0]

# Road Disturbance Profiles
def disturbance_function(t, freq, start, end):
    v = 0.025 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * t))
    v[(t < start) | (t > end)] = 0
    return v.tolist()

freq = 4  # Frequency in Hz
v1 = disturbance_function(time, freq, 2 / freq, 3 / freq)
v2 = disturbance_function(time, freq, 3 / freq, 4 / freq)

# Time Series for Ground Motion
ops.timeSeries('Path', 1, '-dt', dt, '-values', *v2)
ops.timeSeries('Path', 2, '-dt', dt, '-values', *v1)

# Apply Ground Motion
ops.pattern('MultipleSupport', 1)
ops.groundMotion(1, 'Plain', '-disp', 1)
ops.imposedMotion(0, 2, 1)  # Apply to node 0 (DOF 2 - y-direction)
ops.groundMotion(2, 'Plain', '-disp', 2)
ops.imposedMotion(100, 2, 2)  # Apply to node 100 (DOF 2 - y-direction)

# =============================================================================
# Analysis Settings
# =============================================================================
ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1e-6, 10)
ops.integrator('Newmark', 0.5, 0.25)

# Perform Transient Analysis
node_1_disp, node_101_disp = [], []
node_0_react, node_100_react = [], []

for step in range(len(time)):
    ok = ops.analyze(1, dt)
    if ok != 0:
        print(f"Analysis failed at step {step}, trying ModifiedNewton algorithm.")
        ok = ops.analyze(1, dt)
        if ok != 0:
            print(f"Analysis failed at step {step} after retrying.")
    node_0_react.append(ops.nodeReaction(0, 2))
    node_100_react.append(ops.nodeReaction(100, 2))
    node_1_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(1, 2))
    node_101_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(101, 2))

# =============================================================================
# Post-Processing
# =============================================================================
# Plot Road Disturbance
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, v1, label='Road Disturbance 1', color='b')
plt.plot(time, v2, label='Road Disturbance 2', color='r')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
plt.title('Road Disturbance Profile')

# Plot Node Displacements
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, node_1_disp, label='Node 1 Displacement', color='g')
plt.plot(time, node_101_disp, label='Node 101 Displacement', color='r')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
plt.title('Node Displacements')

# Plot Node Reactions
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, node_0_react, label='Node 0 Reaction', color='g')
plt.plot(time, node_100_react, label='Node 100 Reaction', color='r')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Reaction (N)')
plt.title('Node Reactions')
However, I am encountering another issue. In this case, I can only use one "zeroLength" element to form a single axis and connect the axis components free nodes via rigid link beam. When I attempt to connect two "zeroLength" elements for a single axis (to simulate sprung and unsprung masses) and link them together, the analysis fails, and I receive the following error message:
Analysis failed at step 0, trying ModifiedNewton algorithm.
Analysis failed at step 0 after retrying.
WARNING: numeric analysis returns 1 -- Umfpackgenlinsolver::solve
WARNING AcceleratedNewton::solveCurrentStep() - the LinearSysOfEqn failed in solve()
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at time 0.002002
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag
WARNING: numeric analysis returns 1 -- Umfpackgenlinsolver::solve
WARNING ModifiedNewton::solveCurrentStep() - the LinearSysOfEqn failed in solve()
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at time 0.002002
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag
I followed this example (https://portwooddigital.com/2023/11/11/ ... er-models/) for linking the elements (which works for a 1-dimensional element), but it does not function in this case. Could you please suggest how I might resolve this issue?

Here is the non-working code that results with an error:

Code: Select all

import openseespy.opensees as ops
import opsvis as opsv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# =============================================================================
# Material Definition
# =============================================================================
ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)

# Material 1 - Tire stiffness
k1 = 175.e4  # Stiffness for material 1
ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, k1)
k2 = 6.e6  # Stiffness for material 1
ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 2, k2)

# =============================================================================
# Model Generation
# =============================================================================
# Geometry parameters
axle_space = 5  # Axle spacing (inches)

# Node and Element Definitions
# Row 1 (Left axle)
ops.node(0, 0, 0)  # Fixed node for row 1
ops.fix(0, 1, 1, 1)
ops.node(1, 0, 0)  # Free node for row 1 (unsprung)
ops.mass(1, 0, 900, 0)
ops.node(2, 0, 0) # Free node for row 1 (sprung)

ops.element('zeroLength', 1, 0, 1, '-mat', 1, 1, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Tire element between node 0 and node 1
ops.element('zeroLength', 2, 1, 2, '-mat', 2, 2, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Suspension element between node 1 and node 0

# Row 2 (Right axle)
ops.node(100, -axle_space, 0)  # Fixed node for row 2
ops.fix(100, 1, 1, 1)
ops.node(101, -axle_space, 0)  # Free node for row 2 (unsprung)
ops.mass(101, 0, 900, 0)
ops.node(102, -axle_space, 0) # Free node for row 1 (sprung)

ops.element('zeroLength', 3, 100, 101, '-mat', 1, 1, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Tire element between node 100 and node 101
ops.element('zeroLength', 4, 101, 102, '-mat', 2, 2, '-dir', 1, 2)  # Tire element between node 100 and node 101

# Center Node
ops.node(10, -axle_space * 0.5, 0)
ops.mass(10, 0, 10500, 50000)

# Rigid Links
ops.rigidLink('-beam', 10, 2)
ops.rigidLink('-beam', 10, 102)

# Visualize Model

# =============================================================================
# Transient Analysis Setup
# =============================================================================
# Time Parameters
total_time = 2  # seconds
time_steps = 1000
time = np.linspace(0, total_time, time_steps)  # Time vector
dt = time[1] - time[0]

# Road Disturbance Profiles
def disturbance_function(t, freq, start, end):
    v = 0.025 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * t))
    v[(t < start) | (t > end)] = 0
    return v.tolist()

freq = 4  # Frequency in Hz
v1 = disturbance_function(time, freq, 2 / freq, 3 / freq)
v2 = disturbance_function(time, freq, 3 / freq, 4 / freq)

# Time Series for Ground Motion
ops.timeSeries('Path', 1, '-dt', dt, '-values', *v2)
ops.timeSeries('Path', 2, '-dt', dt, '-values', *v1)

# Apply Ground Motion
ops.pattern('MultipleSupport', 1)
ops.groundMotion(1, 'Plain', '-disp', 1)
ops.imposedMotion(0, 2, 1)  # Apply to node 0 (DOF 2 - y-direction)
ops.groundMotion(2, 'Plain', '-disp', 2)
ops.imposedMotion(100, 2, 2)  # Apply to node 100 (DOF 2 - y-direction)

# =============================================================================
# Analysis Settings
# =============================================================================
ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1e-6, 10)
ops.integrator('Newmark', 0.5, 0.25)

# Perform Transient Analysis
node_1_disp, node_101_disp = [], []
node_2_disp, node_102_disp = [], []
node_0_react, node_100_react = [], []

for step in range(len(time)):
    ok = ops.analyze(1, dt)
    if ok != 0:
        print(f"Analysis failed at step {step}, trying ModifiedNewton algorithm.")
        ok = ops.analyze(1, dt)
        if ok != 0:
            print(f"Analysis failed at step {step} after retrying.")
    node_0_react.append(ops.nodeReaction(0, 2))
    node_100_react.append(ops.nodeReaction(100, 2))
    node_1_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(1, 2))
    node_101_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(101, 2))
    node_2_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(2, 2))
    node_102_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(102, 2))

# =============================================================================
# Post-Processing
# =============================================================================
# Plot Road Disturbance
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, v1, label='Road Disturbance 1', color='b')
plt.plot(time, v2, label='Road Disturbance 2', color='r')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
plt.title('Road Disturbance Profile')

# Plot Node Displacements
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, node_1_disp, label='Node 1 Displacement', color='g')
plt.plot(time, node_101_disp, label='Node 101 Displacement', color='r')
plt.plot(time, node_2_disp, label='Node 2 Displacement', color='g', linestyle=':')
plt.plot(time, node_102_disp, label='Node 102 Displacement', color='r', linestyle=':')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
plt.title('Node Displacements')

# Plot Node Reactions
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, node_0_react, label='Node 0 Reaction', color='g')
plt.plot(time, node_100_react, label='Node 100 Reaction', color='r')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Reaction (N)')
plt.title('Node Reactions')
Thank you!
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:10 am

Re: Half-car model with CoupledZeroLength Elements

Post by bennuDJ »

I’ve found a solution by generating an additional point at the center of mass (Point 11) and connecting it rigidly to Points 1 and 101, where the unsprung mass of the wheel is located.
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