When I run my code, I'm having the error below. How can I solve this issue?
Code: Select all
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 1 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 2 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 3 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 4 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 5 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 6 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 7 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 8 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 9 is numerically undetermined or infinite
FullGenEigenSolver::solve() - the eigenvalue 10 is numerically undetermined or infinite
Code: Select all
import openseespy.opensees as ops
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import opsvis as opsv
# import vfo.vfo as vfo
import more_itertools as mit
# Variables
# Bay numbers
x_bay = 4
y_bay = 4
z_bay = 3 # number of storey
# Bay dimensions (m)
x_dist = 5.
y_dist = 4.5
z_dist = 3.2
# Column dimensions (cm => m)
col_x = 40 / 100
col_y = 40 / 100
# Column weight (kN)
col_m = 9.6
# Beam dimensions (cm => m)
beam_w = 40 / 100
beam_h = 60 / 100
# Beam weight (kN)
beam_m = 12.56
# Young modulus of C30/37
# https://eurocodeapplied.com/design/en1992/concrete-design-properties
E = 32837.
# Poisson's ratio
nu = 0.2
# Shear modulus
G = E / (2*(1 + nu))
# Pre-calculations
# Area calculations
a_c = col_x * col_y
a_b = beam_w * beam_h
def torsional_moment(a, b):
return (a * b**3) * ((16/3) - (3.36 * (b/a) * (1-(b**4/(12*(a**4))))))
def bending_moment(b, h):
return (b*(h**3))/12
# Torsional moment of inertia calculations
j_c = torsional_moment(max(col_x, col_y), min(col_x, col_y)) # columns
j_b = torsional_moment(max(beam_h, beam_w), min(beam_h, beam_w)) # beams
# Bending moment of inertia calculations
i_y_c = bending_moment(col_x, col_y) # column, in y axis
i_z_c = bending_moment(col_y, col_x) # column, in z axis
i_y_b = bending_moment(beam_h, beam_w) # beam, in y axis
i_z_b = bending_moment(beam_w, beam_h) # beam, in z axis
# Model Creation
ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 6)
colTransf = 1
beamTransf = 2
girdTransf = 3
coordTransf = 'Linear'
ops.geomTransf(coordTransf, colTransf, 0., -1., 0.)
ops.geomTransf(coordTransf, beamTransf, 0., -1., 0.)
ops.geomTransf(coordTransf, girdTransf, -1., 0., 0.)
# Creating coordinates for nodes
coordinates = []
for z in range(0, z_bay+1):
for y in range(0, y_bay+1):
for x in range(0, x_bay+1):
coordinates.append([x*x_dist, y*y_dist, z*z_dist])
# Creating nodes
node_ids = []
for c in range(len(coordinates)):
node_id = c+1
ops.node(node_id, coordinates[c][0], coordinates[c][1], coordinates[c][2])
# Creating columns
elem_id = 1
elements = []
for k in range(len(node_ids)):
top_node = (node_ids[k] + ((x_bay+1)*(y_bay+1)))
bottom_node = node_ids[k]
if top_node in node_ids:
ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', elem_id, bottom_node, top_node,
a_c, E, G, j_c, i_y_c, i_z_c, colTransf, col_m)
elem_id += 1
# Fixing columns
nodes = node_ids.copy()
pieces = (x_bay+1) * (y_bay+1)
nodes = list(mit.chunked(nodes, pieces))
for i in range(0, len(nodes[0])):
nodeTag = nodes[0][i]
ops.fix(nodeTag, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# creating beams on x axis (beams)
for z in range(1, z_bay+1):
for y in range(y_bay+1):
for x in range(x_bay):
bottom_node = x + y*(x_bay+1) + z*(x_bay+1)*(y_bay+1) + 1
top_node = bottom_node + 1
ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', elem_id, bottom_node, top_node,
a_b, E, G, j_b, i_y_b, i_z_b, beamTransf, beam_m)
elem_id += 1
# creating beams on y axis (girders)
for z in range(1, z_bay+1):
for y in range(y_bay):
for x in range(x_bay+1):
bottom_node = x + y*(x_bay+1) + z*(x_bay+1)*(y_bay+1) + 1
top_node = bottom_node + (x_bay+1)
ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', elem_id, bottom_node, top_node,
a_b, E, G, j_b, i_y_b, i_z_b, girdTransf, beam_m)
elem_id += 1
# Creating extra nodes for rigid diaphragm
for i in range(1, z_bay+1):
node = node_ids[-1]+1
rigid_x = (x_dist*x_bay)/2
rigid_y = (y_dist*y_bay)/2
ops.node(node, rigid_x, rigid_y, z_dist*i)
nodes = node_ids.copy()
pieces = (x_bay+1) * (y_bay+1)
nodes = list(mit.chunked(nodes, pieces))
# fixing & binding the nodes for rigid diaphragm
for i in range(len(nodes[-1])):
ops.fix(nodes[-1][i], 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
ops.rigidDiaphragm(3, nodes[-1][i], *nodes[i+1])
# Analysis
ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 6, 2)
ops.integrator('LoadControl', 1.0)
ops.eigen('-fullGenLapack', 10)
# Plot