A little confused about source code of ViscousMaterial

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A little confused about source code of ViscousMaterial

Post by sugerbug »

Hello everyone,
When I look through the source code of ViscousMaterial, I'm confused about some lines about it (line122~139):

Code: Select all

    double stress = 0.0;
    double absRate = fabs(trialRate);

    if (absRate > minVel)
      stress = C*pow(absRate, Alpha);
      stress = C*pow(minVel, Alpha);

    stress = C*pow(absRate, Alpha);    

    if (trialRate < 0.0)
        return -stress;
        return  stress;
it seems like no matter absRate > minVel or not, the stress alwasys equals to C*pow(absRate, Alpha). ( Since expression "stress = C*pow(minVel, Alpha);" will be over writen by the expression after it anyway.)

I'm a rookie to C++ language and programming, hope someone can help me with it.
Thanks you.
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Re: A little confused about source code of ViscousMaterial

Post by mhscott »

Yes, you are correct. I don't recall why the if/else is overridden though.
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