Currently I am facing issue on the pushover curve while trying to run an analysis on the corbel connection. The model is a simple beam-column connection with only a beam and a column. There is a pin support at both top and bottom of the column and a roller support at the middle of the beam.
Please enlighten me or point out my mistakes cuz Im a first time user of the Opensees. Appreciate much for your help
# CorbelPushover_211105.tcl
source CorbelGravity_211105.tcl
puts "ooo Analysis: Pushover ooo"
# Global behaviour
recorder Node -file Pushover_Horizontal_ReactionsX.out -time -node -dof 1 reaction
recorder Node -file Pushover_Storey_DisplacementX.out -time -node -dof 1 disp
set tStart [clock clicks -milliseconds]
# Apply lateral load based on first mode shape in x direction (EC8-1)
set phi1 1;
# pattern PatternType $PatternID TimeSeriesType
pattern Plain 2 1 {
# load $nodeTag (ndf $LoadValues)
load 7 10.0 0.0 0.0
# Define step parameters
set step +1.000000E-05;
set numbersteps 10000;
# Constraint Handler
constraints Transformation
# DOF Numberer
numberer RCM
# System of Equations
system BandGeneral
# Convergence Test
test NormDispIncr 0.00001 100
#algorithm NewtonLineSearch <-type $typeSearch> <-tol $tol> <-maxIter $maxIter> <-minEta $minEta> <-maxEta $maxEta>
algorithm NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection -tol +8E-1 -maxIter 1000 -minEta 1E-1 -maxEta 1E1 pFlag 1
#integrator DisplacementControl $node $dof $incr <$numIter $?Umin $?Umax> 100 +5.000000E-08 +5.000000E-06
integrator DisplacementControl 7 1 $step
# Analysis Type
analysis Static
# Record initial state of model
# Analyze model
analyze $numbersteps
# Stop timing of this analysis sequence
set tStop [clock clicks -milliseconds]
puts "o Time taken: [expr ($tStop-$tStart)/1000.0] sec"
# Reset for next analysis sequence
Pushover analysis
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Pushover analysis
i suggest you post a simple example outlining your problem .. you have provided not enough information to provide any guidance .. as you are a newbie, a simple problem will force you to understand how OpenSees works and will hopefully enlighten you as to the mistake you are making.