I would like to know if Cam Clay constitutive elasto-plastic law is computed
in the code (classic Cam Clay or modified?).
If so, where can I find it? I mean the subroutine that compute the return
mapping procedure, where input are trial stress (and material parameters),
while output are updated stress and plastic strain.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance
Cam CLay
Moderator: Moderators
Only modified Cam Clay is programmed in Opensees which you can find in the source code at /material/nD/NewTemplate3DEP/ http://opensees.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/cv ... plate3Dep/
All of the Cam Clay files begin with CC_ (YF for yield function, PF for plastic potential function, EV for evolution laws). All of the integration schemes are located in the NewTemplate3Dep.cpp file.
Only modified Cam Clay is programmed in Opensees which you can find in the source code at /material/nD/NewTemplate3DEP/ http://opensees.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/cv ... plate3Dep/
All of the Cam Clay files begin with CC_ (YF for yield function, PF for plastic potential function, EV for evolution laws). All of the integration schemes are located in the NewTemplate3Dep.cpp file.