Hello, I am a new learner of OpenSees and have started learning it through its Python version. My question is about generating outputs for a SFI_MVLEM strain and stress. I am currently working through the example SFI MVLEM - Cyclic Shear-Flexure Interaction Model for RC Walls, which is available at https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/inde ... r_RC_Walls.
This example is just available in Tcl version, I have developed a Phyton version, and I did some modification in order to run the whole code in just 1 script. The model in Spyder (Python 3.7) runs pretty well if I just record nodes or column or beam elements (including hinge), but when I try to record "RCPanel" outputs for the Shear Walls fibers, the model just starts to run but never finish or converge.
I have tried using op.recorder command by using files outputs:
op.recorder('Element', '-file', "MVLEM_panel_strain.out", '-time', '-ele', 1, 'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_strain')
op.recorder('Element', '-file', "MVLEM_panel_stress.out", '-time', '-ele', 1, 'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_stress')
op.recorder('Element', '-file', "MVLEM_panel_stress_concrete.out", '-time', '-ele', 1, 'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_stress_concrete')
op.recorder('Element', '-file', "MVLEM_panel_stress_steel.out", '-time', '-ele', 1, 'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_stress_steel')
And also by storing in a vector or list:
strain = [0.0];
stress = [0.0];
time = [0.0];
ok = op.analyze(Nsteps, DtAnalysis) # Perform analysis: ok=0 (successful)
strain.append(op.eleResponse(1,'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_strain'));
stress.append(op.eleResponse(1,'RCPanel', 1, 'panel_stress'));
time.append(op.getTime()) ;
Neither option seems to work, and the analysis still running for long time in the same step analysis.
I really appreciate, If anyone can help me to know if this commands are currently available in Python and how to apply it.
SFI MVLEM recorder
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: SFI MVLEM recorder
This could be the issue: https://wp.me/pbejzW-Si
Re: SFI MVLEM recorder
Thanks Mr. Michael H. Scott, Ph.D.
It was the issue. I fix that in my script and now it works well.
Best regards,
It was the issue. I fix that in my script and now it works well.
Best regards,