Need help!error flog:-3

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Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:54 pm

Need help!error flog:-3

Post by limaochang »

This is my model code:
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3
node 1 -1.300000E+03 +0.000000E+00 -ndf 3
node 2 +1.300000E+03 +0.000000E+00 -ndf 3
node 3 -1.300000E+03 +1.600000E+03 -ndf 3
node 4 +1.300000E+03 +1.600000E+03 -ndf 3
node 5 -1.300000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
node 6 +1.300000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
node 7 -1.150000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
node 8 +1.150000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
node 9 -1.800000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
node 10 +1.800000E+03 +1.700000E+03 -ndf 3
fix 1 1 1 1
fix 2 1 1 1
rigidLink beam 5 3
rigidLink beam 5 7
rigidLink beam 8 6
rigidLink beam 6 4
# Material "»ìÄýÍÁ": matTag fc' epsc0 fcu' epsu
uniaxialMaterial Concrete01 1 -3.530000E+01 -2.000000E-03 -7.100000E+00 -4.000000E-03
# Material "¸Ö½î": matTag Fy Fu E Eh epsh epsu <-GABuck lsr beta r gamma> <-DMBuck lsr <alpha>> <-CMFatigue Cf alpha Cd> <-IsoHard <a1 <limit>>> <-MPCurveParams R1 R2 R3>
uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel 3 +4.550000E+02 +4.980000E+02 +1.900000E+05 +1.075000E+05 +2.900000E-03 +3.300000E-03
# Section "¶ÕÖù": secTag
section Fiber 1 {
# PatchCirc "»ìÄýÍÁ": matTag nfcirc nfrad y z intRad extRad <startAng endAng>
patch circ 1 5 5 +0.000000E+00 +0.000000E+00 +1.250000E+02 +1.500000E+02 +0.000000E+00 +3.600000E+02
# LayerCircular "¸Ö½î": matTag numBar areaBar y z radius <startAng endAng>
layer circ 3 10 +0.000000E+00 +0.000000E+00 +1.190000E+02 +0.000000E+00 +3.600000E+02

# Section "¸ÇÁº": secTag
section Fiber 2 {
# PatchQuad "Ô¼Êø": matTag NSIJ NSJK Iy Iz Jy Jz Ky Kz Ly Lz
patch quad 1 5 5 -1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02
# PatchBox "·ÇÔ¼Êø»ìÄýÍÁ": matTag NSIJ NSJK Iy Iz Jy Jz Ky Kz Ly Lz
patch quad 1 5 5 +1.750000E+02 +2.000000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -2.000000E+02 +2.000000E+02 -2.000000E+02 +2.000000E+02 +2.000000E+02
patch quad 1 5 5 -1.750000E+02 +2.000000E+02 -1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +2.000000E+02
patch quad 1 5 5 -1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 -2.000000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -2.000000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02
patch quad 1 5 5 -2.000000E+02 +2.000000E+02 -2.000000E+02 -2.000000E+02 -1.750000E+02 -2.000000E+02 -1.750000E+02 +2.000000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚÒ»ÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 -1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚÆßÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 +1.250000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.250000E+02 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚÈýÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 -8.500000E+01 +1.750000E+02 -8.500000E+01 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚ¶þÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 -1.250000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.250000E+02 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚÎåÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 +2.500000E+01 +1.750000E+02 +2.500000E+01 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚ°ËÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 +1.750000E+02 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚÁùÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 +8.500000E+01 +1.750000E+02 +8.500000E+01 -1.750000E+02
# LayerStraight "µÚËÄÁÐ": matTag numBar areaBar yStart zStart yEnd zEnd
layer straight 3 2 +2.010620E+02 -2.500000E+01 +1.750000E+02 -2.500000E+01 -1.750000E+02
geomTransf Linear 1
element beamWithHinges 1 1 3 1 248.12 1 248.12 32720 70685.8347 397607820.2 1
element beamWithHinges 2 2 4 1 248.12 1 248.12 32720 70685.8347 397607820.2 1
#element forceBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
element forceBeamColumn 3 7 8 3 2 1
element forceBeamColumn 4 5 9 3 2 1
element forceBeamColumn 5 6 10 3 2 1
puts "recorder"
recorder Node -file node9.out -time -node 9 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file node3.out -time -node 3 -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Element -file ele1.out -time -ele 1 localForce
pattern Plain 1 Linear {
load 5 +0.000000E+00 -3.742810E+05 +0.000000E+00
load 6 +0.000000E+00 -3.742810E+05 +0.000000E+00
puts "analysis"
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
test EnergyIncr 1.0e-6 200
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.1
analysis Static
analyze 10
loadConst 0.0
pattern Plain 2 Linear {
load 9 +1.000000E+00 +0.000000E+00 +0.000000E+00
puts "analysis"
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system BandGeneral
set protocol {10 -10 10 -10 15 -15 15 -15 20 -20 20 -20 30 -30 30 -30 35 -35 35 -35 40 -40 40 -40 55 -55 55 -55 57.5 -57.5 57.5 -57.5 60 -60 60 -60 67.5 -67.5 67.5 -67.5 75 -75 75 -75 80 -80 80 -80 90 -90 90 -90 }
When I run the analysis,the warnning is:
Domain::update ForceBeamColumn2d::update() - section failed in setTrial
- domain failed in update
LoadControl::update - model failed to update for new dU
WARNING NewtonRaphson::solveCurrentStep() -the Integrator failed in update()
StaticAnalysis::analyze() - the Algorithm failed at iteration: 2 with domain at load factor 0.3
OpenSees > analyze failed, returned: -3 error flag
Posts: 881
Joined: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:38 pm
Location: Corvallis, Oregon USA

Re: Need help!error flog:-3

Post by mhscott »

There is an error somewhere in your section definition. Try elastic materials and draw out the fibers and back out the process until you find the error.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:54 pm

Re: Need help!error flog:-3

Post by limaochang »

mhscott wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:43 am There is an error somewhere in your section definition. Try elastic materials and draw out the fibers and back out the process until you find the error.
Thanks for your suggestion,it's very helpful!
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