Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
- Posts: 160
- Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:32 pm
Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Created on Thu May 28 16:27:29 2020
@author: praf_malla@hotmail.com, Nepal
@ Corona time, Lockdown
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Units in N, mm, sec
from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import *
from openseespy.opensees import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import asin, sqrt
print("Starting RC column analysis")
PI = 2 * asin(1.0)
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)
# Set parameters for overall model geometry
height = 2000.0 # height of column
# Create nodes
node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
node(2, 0.0, height)
# Fix supports at base of columns
# tag, DX, DY, RZ
fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
# some parameters
colWidth = 400 ; # direction normal to loading
colDepth = 400 ; # direction parallel to loading
cover = 40 ; # concrete cover
barDia = 20 ; # longitudinal bar dia
As = PI/4*barDia**2 # area of longitudinal bar
# Properties of concrete
# Define parameters of concrete
fc = -30; # Concrete compressive strength (+Tension, -compression)
Ec = 5700*sqrt(-fc); # Modulus of elasticity of concrete
e0 = 0.002; # strain at compressive strength of concrete
# Define parameters of stirrups for confinement
fyh = 415; # yield strength of stirrups
diaStirrup = 8 ; # Diameter of stirrups
(nLY, nLZ) = (2, 3) # no of Legs of stirrup parallel to Y and Z - direction
sh = 150 ; # Spacing of stirrups
# Derived confinement parameters from stirrups
hP = colDepth-2*cover; # Depth of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
bP = colWidth-2*cover; # Width of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
Aso = PI/4*diaStirrup**2; # Area of stirrups
Vstirrup = Aso*(nLY*hP+nLZ*bP)*1000/sh; # Volume of stirrups per 1000 mm
Vcore = hP*bP*1000; # Volume of concrete core in 1000 mm
Rhos = Vstirrup/Vcore; # ratio of volume of hoop steel to the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of hoops.
# Parameters of Confined concrete
Kfc = 1+Rhos*fyh/(-fc); # Ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength (by Scott)
fc1C = -Kfc*fc; # Compressive strength of confined concrete
eps1C = Kfc*e0; # Strain at confined compressive strength
fc2C = 0.2*fc1C; # stress of confined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uC = (0.0207+eps1C*fc1C)/(fc1C-6.89)
e50hC = 3/4*Rhos*sqrt(hP/sh)
Zc = 0.5/(e50uC+e50hC-eps1C) ; # Descending branch of Confined concrete
eps2C = 0.8*fc1C/Zc+eps1C; # strain at ultimate stress of confined concrete
ftUC = 0.14*fc1C; EtsC = 2*ftUC/eps1C; lambdaC = 0.1
# Parameters of Unconfined concrete
fc1U =-fc ; # Compressive strength of unconfined concrete
eps1U = e0 ; # strain at compressvie strength of unconfined concrete
fc2U = 0.2*fc1U ; # stress of unconfined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uU = (0.0207+eps1U*fc1U)/(fc1U-6.89)
e50hU = 0.0 ; # There is no sirrups i.e., Rhos = 0.0
Zu = 0.5/(e50uU+e50hU-eps1U); # Descending branch of Unconfined concrete
eps2U = 0.8*fc1U/Zu+eps1U ; # Strain at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete
ftUU = 0.14*fc1U; EtsU = 2*ftUU/eps1U; lambdaU = 0.1
# ------------------------------------------
# Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 1, -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C, lambdaC , ftUC, EtsC)
# Cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 2, -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U, lambdaU , ftUU, EtsU)
print ("Parameters of Confined concrete", -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C)
print ("Parameters of UnConfined concrete", -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U)
# Plot stress-strain curve of Confined and Unconfined concrete
sigC = (0, fc1C, fc2C); epsC = (0, eps1C, eps2C)
sigU = (0, fc1U, fc2U); epsU = (0, eps1U, eps2U)
plt.plot(epsC, sigC, linewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(epsU, sigU, linewidth=2.0)
plt.ylabel('compressive stress MPa')
# Longitudinal Reinforcing steel
fy = 400.0; # Yield stress
E = 200000.0; # Young's modulus
Bs = 0.01; # strain hardening ratio
(R0, cR1, cR2) = (18, 0.925, 0.15) # Steel parameters
# Variables derived for formation of section
coverY = colDepth / 2.0
coverZ = colWidth / 2.0
coreY = coverY-cover
coreZ = coverZ-cover
(nfCoreY, nfCoreZ, nfCoverY, nfCoverZ)= (20, 20, 20, 20)
secTag = 1
# tag
uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', 3, fy, E, Bs, R0, cR1, cR2)
section('Fiber', secTag)
# Create the concrete core fibers
patch('quad', 1, nfCoreZ, nfCoreY, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ,)
# Create the concrete cover patches (right,left,bottom, top)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coverY, coverZ, - coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ)
# Create the reinforcing fibers (top, middle, bottom)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, -coreZ, 0.0, coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ)
# Define column elements
# ----------------------
geomTag = 1
# Geometry of column elements
# tag
geomTransf('Corotational', geomTag)
np = 4 # Number of integration points along length of element
# Lobatto integratoin
#beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, np)
# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements
# e tag ndI ndJ transfTag integrationTag
#eleType = 'forceBeamColumn'
#element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
# mixedBeamColumn tag iNode jNode numIntgrPts secTag transftag
eleType = 'mixedBeamColumn'
element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, np, secTag, geomTag, '-integration', 'Lobatto')
# Define gravity loads
# a parameter for the axial load
AxialLoad = 0.1*fc1U*colDepth*colWidth; # 10% of axial capacity of columns
print("10 % of axial load ratio", AxialLoad/1000, "kN")
# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
timeSeries ('Linear', 1)
pattern ('Plain', 1, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX, FY, MZ
load(2, 0.0, -AxialLoad, 0.0)
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Gravity Analysis
# Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting
Tol = 1.0e-6
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, 10, 3)
algorithm ('Newton')
integrator ('LoadControl', 0.1)
analysis ('Static')
analyze (10)
# Display Model
print("Gravity Analysis Completed")
# ----------------------------------------------------
# End of Model Generation & Gravity Analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
print("Pushover Analysis Started!")
# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain
loadConst ('-time', 0.0)
# Set some parameters
LateralLoad = 1000.0 # Reference lateral load of 1kN
# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern('Plain', 2, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX FY MZ
load(2, LateralLoad, 0.0, 0.0)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Start of push over analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Set some parameters
dU = 1 # Displacement increment
dUMin = 1
dUMax = 1
(Tol, MaxIter) = (1.0e-12, 10) # Tolerance and Maximum iteration
(controlNode, controlDOF) =(2, 1) # Control node and control DOF
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, MaxIter)
analysis ('Static');
# Change the integration scheme to be displacement control
# node dof init Jd min max
integrator ('DisplacementControl', controlNode, controlDOF, dU, 1, dUMin,dUMax)
#integrator ('LoadControl', 1)
algorithm ('Newton')
# Set some parameters
maxU = 140.0 # Max displacement
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
ok = 0
# perform the analysis
import numpy as np
Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) # Number of data to be stored
data=np.zeros( (Nsteps+1, 2) ) # Initial variable to store data
j = 0 # Counter to store data
while (ok == 0 and currentDisp < maxU):
# if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
if ok != 0:
print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initail stiffness for this step")
test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 1000)
algorithm('ModifiedNewton', '-initial')
ok = analyze(1)
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
factorLoad =getTime()
print( "Horizontal load", factorLoad, 'kN,','displacement at control node',currentDisp,'mm')
plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], linewidth=2.0)
plt.xlabel('Lateral displacement')
plt.ylabel('Lateral Load')
Created on Thu May 28 16:27:29 2020
@author: praf_malla@hotmail.com, Nepal
@ Corona time, Lockdown
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Units in N, mm, sec
from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import *
from openseespy.opensees import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import asin, sqrt
print("Starting RC column analysis")
PI = 2 * asin(1.0)
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)
# Set parameters for overall model geometry
height = 2000.0 # height of column
# Create nodes
node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
node(2, 0.0, height)
# Fix supports at base of columns
# tag, DX, DY, RZ
fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
# some parameters
colWidth = 400 ; # direction normal to loading
colDepth = 400 ; # direction parallel to loading
cover = 40 ; # concrete cover
barDia = 20 ; # longitudinal bar dia
As = PI/4*barDia**2 # area of longitudinal bar
# Properties of concrete
# Define parameters of concrete
fc = -30; # Concrete compressive strength (+Tension, -compression)
Ec = 5700*sqrt(-fc); # Modulus of elasticity of concrete
e0 = 0.002; # strain at compressive strength of concrete
# Define parameters of stirrups for confinement
fyh = 415; # yield strength of stirrups
diaStirrup = 8 ; # Diameter of stirrups
(nLY, nLZ) = (2, 3) # no of Legs of stirrup parallel to Y and Z - direction
sh = 150 ; # Spacing of stirrups
# Derived confinement parameters from stirrups
hP = colDepth-2*cover; # Depth of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
bP = colWidth-2*cover; # Width of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
Aso = PI/4*diaStirrup**2; # Area of stirrups
Vstirrup = Aso*(nLY*hP+nLZ*bP)*1000/sh; # Volume of stirrups per 1000 mm
Vcore = hP*bP*1000; # Volume of concrete core in 1000 mm
Rhos = Vstirrup/Vcore; # ratio of volume of hoop steel to the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of hoops.
# Parameters of Confined concrete
Kfc = 1+Rhos*fyh/(-fc); # Ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength (by Scott)
fc1C = -Kfc*fc; # Compressive strength of confined concrete
eps1C = Kfc*e0; # Strain at confined compressive strength
fc2C = 0.2*fc1C; # stress of confined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uC = (0.0207+eps1C*fc1C)/(fc1C-6.89)
e50hC = 3/4*Rhos*sqrt(hP/sh)
Zc = 0.5/(e50uC+e50hC-eps1C) ; # Descending branch of Confined concrete
eps2C = 0.8*fc1C/Zc+eps1C; # strain at ultimate stress of confined concrete
ftUC = 0.14*fc1C; EtsC = 2*ftUC/eps1C; lambdaC = 0.1
# Parameters of Unconfined concrete
fc1U =-fc ; # Compressive strength of unconfined concrete
eps1U = e0 ; # strain at compressvie strength of unconfined concrete
fc2U = 0.2*fc1U ; # stress of unconfined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uU = (0.0207+eps1U*fc1U)/(fc1U-6.89)
e50hU = 0.0 ; # There is no sirrups i.e., Rhos = 0.0
Zu = 0.5/(e50uU+e50hU-eps1U); # Descending branch of Unconfined concrete
eps2U = 0.8*fc1U/Zu+eps1U ; # Strain at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete
ftUU = 0.14*fc1U; EtsU = 2*ftUU/eps1U; lambdaU = 0.1
# ------------------------------------------
# Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 1, -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C, lambdaC , ftUC, EtsC)
# Cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 2, -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U, lambdaU , ftUU, EtsU)
print ("Parameters of Confined concrete", -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C)
print ("Parameters of UnConfined concrete", -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U)
# Plot stress-strain curve of Confined and Unconfined concrete
sigC = (0, fc1C, fc2C); epsC = (0, eps1C, eps2C)
sigU = (0, fc1U, fc2U); epsU = (0, eps1U, eps2U)
plt.plot(epsC, sigC, linewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(epsU, sigU, linewidth=2.0)
plt.ylabel('compressive stress MPa')
# Longitudinal Reinforcing steel
fy = 400.0; # Yield stress
E = 200000.0; # Young's modulus
Bs = 0.01; # strain hardening ratio
(R0, cR1, cR2) = (18, 0.925, 0.15) # Steel parameters
# Variables derived for formation of section
coverY = colDepth / 2.0
coverZ = colWidth / 2.0
coreY = coverY-cover
coreZ = coverZ-cover
(nfCoreY, nfCoreZ, nfCoverY, nfCoverZ)= (20, 20, 20, 20)
secTag = 1
# tag
uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', 3, fy, E, Bs, R0, cR1, cR2)
section('Fiber', secTag)
# Create the concrete core fibers
patch('quad', 1, nfCoreZ, nfCoreY, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ,)
# Create the concrete cover patches (right,left,bottom, top)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coverY, coverZ, - coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ)
# Create the reinforcing fibers (top, middle, bottom)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, -coreZ, 0.0, coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ)
# Define column elements
# ----------------------
geomTag = 1
# Geometry of column elements
# tag
geomTransf('Corotational', geomTag)
np = 4 # Number of integration points along length of element
# Lobatto integratoin
#beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, np)
# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements
# e tag ndI ndJ transfTag integrationTag
#eleType = 'forceBeamColumn'
#element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
# mixedBeamColumn tag iNode jNode numIntgrPts secTag transftag
eleType = 'mixedBeamColumn'
element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, np, secTag, geomTag, '-integration', 'Lobatto')
# Define gravity loads
# a parameter for the axial load
AxialLoad = 0.1*fc1U*colDepth*colWidth; # 10% of axial capacity of columns
print("10 % of axial load ratio", AxialLoad/1000, "kN")
# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
timeSeries ('Linear', 1)
pattern ('Plain', 1, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX, FY, MZ
load(2, 0.0, -AxialLoad, 0.0)
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Gravity Analysis
# Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting
Tol = 1.0e-6
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, 10, 3)
algorithm ('Newton')
integrator ('LoadControl', 0.1)
analysis ('Static')
analyze (10)
# Display Model
print("Gravity Analysis Completed")
# ----------------------------------------------------
# End of Model Generation & Gravity Analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
print("Pushover Analysis Started!")
# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain
loadConst ('-time', 0.0)
# Set some parameters
LateralLoad = 1000.0 # Reference lateral load of 1kN
# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern('Plain', 2, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX FY MZ
load(2, LateralLoad, 0.0, 0.0)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Start of push over analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Set some parameters
dU = 1 # Displacement increment
dUMin = 1
dUMax = 1
(Tol, MaxIter) = (1.0e-12, 10) # Tolerance and Maximum iteration
(controlNode, controlDOF) =(2, 1) # Control node and control DOF
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, MaxIter)
analysis ('Static');
# Change the integration scheme to be displacement control
# node dof init Jd min max
integrator ('DisplacementControl', controlNode, controlDOF, dU, 1, dUMin,dUMax)
#integrator ('LoadControl', 1)
algorithm ('Newton')
# Set some parameters
maxU = 140.0 # Max displacement
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
ok = 0
# perform the analysis
import numpy as np
Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) # Number of data to be stored
data=np.zeros( (Nsteps+1, 2) ) # Initial variable to store data
j = 0 # Counter to store data
while (ok == 0 and currentDisp < maxU):
# if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
if ok != 0:
print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initail stiffness for this step")
test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 1000)
algorithm('ModifiedNewton', '-initial')
ok = analyze(1)
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
factorLoad =getTime()
print( "Horizontal load", factorLoad, 'kN,','displacement at control node',currentDisp,'mm')
plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], linewidth=2.0)
plt.xlabel('Lateral displacement')
plt.ylabel('Lateral Load')
Prafulla Malla, Nepal
- Posts: 160
- Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:32 pm
Re: Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Looks, there will be problem on sharing files in this platform as python is indent based program
Prafulla Malla, Nepal
Re: Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Thanks for sharing the example!
Please try posting again with BBcode.
Please try posting again with BBcode.
- Posts: 160
- Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:32 pm
Re: Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Thanks, Prof. Scott. Yeah, it's working. Its been few days, I have started using Python.
Created on Thu May 28 16:27:29 2020
@author: praf_malla@hotmail.com, Nepal
Corona virus time, Lockdown.
Stay home, Keep community safe.
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Units in N, mm, sec
from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import *
from openseespy.opensees import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import asin, sqrt
print("Starting RC column analysis")
PI = 2 * asin(1.0)
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)
# Set parameters for overall model geometry
height = 2000.0 # height of column
# Create nodes
node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
node(2, 0.0, height)
# Fix supports at base of columns
# tag, DX, DY, RZ
fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
# some parameters
colWidth = 400 ; # direction normal to loading
colDepth = 400 ; # direction parallel to loading
cover = 40 ; # concrete cover
barDia = 20 ; # longitudinal bar dia
As = PI/4*barDia**2 # area of longitudinal bar
# Properties of concrete
# Define parameters of concrete
fc = -30; # Concrete compressive strength (+Tension, -compression)
Ec = 5700*sqrt(-fc); # Modulus of elasticity of concrete
e0 = 0.002; # strain at compressive strength of concrete
# Define parameters of stirrups for confinement
fyh = 415; # yield strength of stirrups
diaStirrup = 8 ; # Diameter of stirrups
(nLY, nLZ) = (2, 3) # no of Legs of stirrup parallel to Y and Z - direction
sh = 150 ; # Spacing of stirrups
# Derived confinement parameters from stirrups
hP = colDepth-2*cover; # Depth of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
bP = colWidth-2*cover; # Width of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
Aso = PI/4*diaStirrup**2; # Area of stirrups
Vstirrup = Aso*(nLY*hP+nLZ*bP)*1000/sh; # Volume of stirrups per 1000 mm
Vcore = hP*bP*1000; # Volume of concrete core in 1000 mm
Rhos = Vstirrup/Vcore; # ratio of volume of hoop steel to the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of hoops.
# Parameters of Confined concrete
Kfc = 1+Rhos*fyh/(-fc); # Ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength (by Scott)
fc1C = -Kfc*fc; # Compressive strength of confined concrete
eps1C = Kfc*e0; # Strain at confined compressive strength
fc2C = 0.2*fc1C; # stress of confined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uC = (0.0207+eps1C*fc1C)/(fc1C-6.89)
e50hC = 3/4*Rhos*sqrt(hP/sh)
Zc = 0.5/(e50uC+e50hC-eps1C) ; # Descending branch of Confined concrete
eps2C = 0.8*fc1C/Zc+eps1C; # strain at ultimate stress of confined concrete
ftUC = 0.14*fc1C; EtsC = 2*ftUC/eps1C; lambdaC = 0.1
# Parameters of Unconfined concrete
fc1U =-fc ; # Compressive strength of unconfined concrete
eps1U = e0 ; # strain at compressvie strength of unconfined concrete
fc2U = 0.2*fc1U ; # stress of unconfined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uU = (0.0207+eps1U*fc1U)/(fc1U-6.89)
e50hU = 0.0 ; # There is no sirrups i.e., Rhos = 0.0
Zu = 0.5/(e50uU+e50hU-eps1U); # Descending branch of Unconfined concrete
eps2U = 0.8*fc1U/Zu+eps1U ; # Strain at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete
ftUU = 0.14*fc1U; EtsU = 2*ftUU/eps1U; lambdaU = 0.1
# ------------------------------------------
# Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 1, -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C, lambdaC , ftUC, EtsC)
# Cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 2, -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U, lambdaU , ftUU, EtsU)
print ("Parameters of Confined concrete", -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C)
print ("Parameters of UnConfined concrete", -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U)
# Plot stress-strain curve of Confined and Unconfined concrete
sigC = (0, fc1C, fc2C); epsC = (0, eps1C, eps2C)
sigU = (0, fc1U, fc2U); epsU = (0, eps1U, eps2U)
plt.plot(epsC, sigC, linewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(epsU, sigU, linewidth=2.0)
plt.ylabel('compressive stress MPa')
# Longitudinal Reinforcing steel
fy = 400.0; # Yield stress
E = 200000.0; # Young's modulus
Bs = 0.01; # strain hardening ratio
(R0, cR1, cR2) = (18, 0.925, 0.15) # Steel parameters
# Variables derived for formation of section
coverY = colDepth / 2.0
coverZ = colWidth / 2.0
coreY = coverY-cover
coreZ = coverZ-cover
(nfCoreY, nfCoreZ, nfCoverY, nfCoverZ)= (20, 20, 20, 20)
secTag = 1
# tag
uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', 3, fy, E, Bs, R0, cR1, cR2)
section('Fiber', secTag)
# Create the concrete core fibers
patch('quad', 1, nfCoreZ, nfCoreY, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ,)
# Create the concrete cover patches (right,left,bottom, top)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coverY, coverZ, - coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ)
# Create the reinforcing fibers (top, middle, bottom)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, -coreZ, 0.0, coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ)
# Define column elements
# ----------------------
geomTag = 1
# Geometry of column elements
# tag
geomTransf('Corotational', geomTag)
np = 4 # Number of integration points along length of element
# Lobatto integration
#beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, np)
# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements
# e tag ndI ndJ transfTag integrationTag
#eleType = 'forceBeamColumn'
#element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
# mixedBeamColumn tag iNode jNode numIntgrPts secTag transftag
eleType = 'mixedBeamColumn'
element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, np, secTag, geomTag, '-integration', 'Lobatto')
# Define gravity loads
# a parameter for the axial load
AxialLoad = 0.1*fc1U*colDepth*colWidth; # 10% of axial capacity of columns
print("10 % of axial load ratio", AxialLoad/1000, "kN")
# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
timeSeries ('Linear', 1)
pattern ('Plain', 1, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX, FY, MZ
load(2, 0.0, -AxialLoad, 0.0)
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Gravity Analysis
# Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting
Tol = 1.0e-6
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, 10, 3)
algorithm ('Newton')
integrator ('LoadControl', 0.1)
analysis ('Static')
analyze (10)
# Display Model
print("Gravity Analysis Completed")
# ----------------------------------------------------
# End of Model Generation & Gravity Analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
print("Pushover Analysis Started!")
# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain
loadConst ('-time', 0.0)
# Set some parameters
LateralLoad = 1000.0 # Reference lateral load of 1kN
# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern('Plain', 2, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX FY MZ
load(2, LateralLoad, 0.0, 0.0)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Start of push over analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Set some parameters
dU = 1 # Displacement increment
dUMin = 1
dUMax = 1
(Tol, MaxIter) = (1.0e-12, 10) # Tolerance and Maximum iteration
(controlNode, controlDOF) =(2, 1) # Control node and control DOF
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, MaxIter)
analysis ('Static');
# Change the integration scheme to be displacement control
# node dof init Jd min max
integrator ('DisplacementControl', controlNode, controlDOF, dU, 1, dUMin,dUMax)
#integrator ('LoadControl', 1)
algorithm ('Newton')
# Set some parameters
maxU = 140.0 # Max displacement
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
ok = 0
# perform the analysis
import numpy as np
Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) # Number of data to be stored
data=np.zeros( (Nsteps+1, 2) ) # Initial variable to store data
j = 0 # Counter to store data
while (ok == 0 and currentDisp < maxU):
# if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
if ok != 0:
print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initail stiffness for this step")
test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 1000)
algorithm('ModifiedNewton', '-initial')
ok = analyze(1)
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
factorLoad =getTime()
print( "Horizontal load", factorLoad, 'kN,','displacement at control node',currentDisp,'mm')
plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], linewidth=2.0)
plt.xlabel('Lateral displacement')
plt.ylabel('Lateral Load')
Created on Thu May 28 16:27:29 2020
@author: praf_malla@hotmail.com, Nepal
Corona virus time, Lockdown.
Stay home, Keep community safe.
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Units in N, mm, sec
from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import *
from openseespy.opensees import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import asin, sqrt
print("Starting RC column analysis")
PI = 2 * asin(1.0)
# Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node)
model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3)
# Set parameters for overall model geometry
height = 2000.0 # height of column
# Create nodes
node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
node(2, 0.0, height)
# Fix supports at base of columns
# tag, DX, DY, RZ
fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Define cross-section for nonlinear columns
# some parameters
colWidth = 400 ; # direction normal to loading
colDepth = 400 ; # direction parallel to loading
cover = 40 ; # concrete cover
barDia = 20 ; # longitudinal bar dia
As = PI/4*barDia**2 # area of longitudinal bar
# Properties of concrete
# Define parameters of concrete
fc = -30; # Concrete compressive strength (+Tension, -compression)
Ec = 5700*sqrt(-fc); # Modulus of elasticity of concrete
e0 = 0.002; # strain at compressive strength of concrete
# Define parameters of stirrups for confinement
fyh = 415; # yield strength of stirrups
diaStirrup = 8 ; # Diameter of stirrups
(nLY, nLZ) = (2, 3) # no of Legs of stirrup parallel to Y and Z - direction
sh = 150 ; # Spacing of stirrups
# Derived confinement parameters from stirrups
hP = colDepth-2*cover; # Depth of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
bP = colWidth-2*cover; # Width of concrete core to oustide of stirrups
Aso = PI/4*diaStirrup**2; # Area of stirrups
Vstirrup = Aso*(nLY*hP+nLZ*bP)*1000/sh; # Volume of stirrups per 1000 mm
Vcore = hP*bP*1000; # Volume of concrete core in 1000 mm
Rhos = Vstirrup/Vcore; # ratio of volume of hoop steel to the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of hoops.
# Parameters of Confined concrete
Kfc = 1+Rhos*fyh/(-fc); # Ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength (by Scott)
fc1C = -Kfc*fc; # Compressive strength of confined concrete
eps1C = Kfc*e0; # Strain at confined compressive strength
fc2C = 0.2*fc1C; # stress of confined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uC = (0.0207+eps1C*fc1C)/(fc1C-6.89)
e50hC = 3/4*Rhos*sqrt(hP/sh)
Zc = 0.5/(e50uC+e50hC-eps1C) ; # Descending branch of Confined concrete
eps2C = 0.8*fc1C/Zc+eps1C; # strain at ultimate stress of confined concrete
ftUC = 0.14*fc1C; EtsC = 2*ftUC/eps1C; lambdaC = 0.1
# Parameters of Unconfined concrete
fc1U =-fc ; # Compressive strength of unconfined concrete
eps1U = e0 ; # strain at compressvie strength of unconfined concrete
fc2U = 0.2*fc1U ; # stress of unconfined concrete at ultimate strain
e50uU = (0.0207+eps1U*fc1U)/(fc1U-6.89)
e50hU = 0.0 ; # There is no sirrups i.e., Rhos = 0.0
Zu = 0.5/(e50uU+e50hU-eps1U); # Descending branch of Unconfined concrete
eps2U = 0.8*fc1U/Zu+eps1U ; # Strain at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete
ftUU = 0.14*fc1U; EtsU = 2*ftUU/eps1U; lambdaU = 0.1
# ------------------------------------------
# Core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 1, -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C, lambdaC , ftUC, EtsC)
# Cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 2, -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U, lambdaU , ftUU, EtsU)
print ("Parameters of Confined concrete", -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C)
print ("Parameters of UnConfined concrete", -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U)
# Plot stress-strain curve of Confined and Unconfined concrete
sigC = (0, fc1C, fc2C); epsC = (0, eps1C, eps2C)
sigU = (0, fc1U, fc2U); epsU = (0, eps1U, eps2U)
plt.plot(epsC, sigC, linewidth=2.0)
plt.plot(epsU, sigU, linewidth=2.0)
plt.ylabel('compressive stress MPa')
# Longitudinal Reinforcing steel
fy = 400.0; # Yield stress
E = 200000.0; # Young's modulus
Bs = 0.01; # strain hardening ratio
(R0, cR1, cR2) = (18, 0.925, 0.15) # Steel parameters
# Variables derived for formation of section
coverY = colDepth / 2.0
coverZ = colWidth / 2.0
coreY = coverY-cover
coreZ = coverZ-cover
(nfCoreY, nfCoreZ, nfCoverY, nfCoverZ)= (20, 20, 20, 20)
secTag = 1
# tag
uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', 3, fy, E, Bs, R0, cR1, cR2)
section('Fiber', secTag)
# Create the concrete core fibers
patch('quad', 1, nfCoreZ, nfCoreY, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ,)
# Create the concrete cover patches (right,left,bottom, top)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coverY, coverZ, - coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ)
patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ)
patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ)
# Create the reinforcing fibers (top, middle, bottom)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, -coreZ, 0.0, coreZ)
layer('straight', 3, 3, As, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ)
# Define column elements
# ----------------------
geomTag = 1
# Geometry of column elements
# tag
geomTransf('Corotational', geomTag)
np = 4 # Number of integration points along length of element
# Lobatto integration
#beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, np)
# Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements
# e tag ndI ndJ transfTag integrationTag
#eleType = 'forceBeamColumn'
#element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
# mixedBeamColumn tag iNode jNode numIntgrPts secTag transftag
eleType = 'mixedBeamColumn'
element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, np, secTag, geomTag, '-integration', 'Lobatto')
# Define gravity loads
# a parameter for the axial load
AxialLoad = 0.1*fc1U*colDepth*colWidth; # 10% of axial capacity of columns
print("10 % of axial load ratio", AxialLoad/1000, "kN")
# Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
timeSeries ('Linear', 1)
pattern ('Plain', 1, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX, FY, MZ
load(2, 0.0, -AxialLoad, 0.0)
# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------
# Gravity Analysis
# Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting
Tol = 1.0e-6
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, 10, 3)
algorithm ('Newton')
integrator ('LoadControl', 0.1)
analysis ('Static')
analyze (10)
# Display Model
print("Gravity Analysis Completed")
# ----------------------------------------------------
# End of Model Generation & Gravity Analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
print("Pushover Analysis Started!")
# Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain
loadConst ('-time', 0.0)
# Set some parameters
LateralLoad = 1000.0 # Reference lateral load of 1kN
# Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries
pattern('Plain', 2, 1)
# Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4
# nd FX FY MZ
load(2, LateralLoad, 0.0, 0.0)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Start of push over analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Set some parameters
dU = 1 # Displacement increment
dUMin = 1
dUMax = 1
(Tol, MaxIter) = (1.0e-12, 10) # Tolerance and Maximum iteration
(controlNode, controlDOF) =(2, 1) # Control node and control DOF
system ('BandGeneral')
constraints ('Plain')
numberer ('RCM')
test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, MaxIter)
analysis ('Static');
# Change the integration scheme to be displacement control
# node dof init Jd min max
integrator ('DisplacementControl', controlNode, controlDOF, dU, 1, dUMin,dUMax)
#integrator ('LoadControl', 1)
algorithm ('Newton')
# Set some parameters
maxU = 140.0 # Max displacement
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
ok = 0
# perform the analysis
import numpy as np
Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) # Number of data to be stored
data=np.zeros( (Nsteps+1, 2) ) # Initial variable to store data
j = 0 # Counter to store data
while (ok == 0 and currentDisp < maxU):
# if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
if ok != 0:
print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initail stiffness for this step")
test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 1000)
algorithm('ModifiedNewton', '-initial')
ok = analyze(1)
currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF)
factorLoad =getTime()
print( "Horizontal load", factorLoad, 'kN,','displacement at control node',currentDisp,'mm')
plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], linewidth=2.0)
plt.xlabel('Lateral displacement')
plt.ylabel('Lateral Load')
Prafulla Malla, Nepal
- Posts: 160
- Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:32 pm
Re: Example of RC column with mixed beam element using OpenSeePy
Prafullamalla wrote: ↑Sat May 30, 2020 8:12 am Thanks, Prof. Scott. Yeah, it's working. Its been few days, I have started using Python.
""Code: Select all
" Created on Thu May 28 16:27:29 2020 @author: praf_malla@hotmail.com, Nepal Corona virus time, Lockdown. Stay home, Keep community safe. """ # ============================================================================= # ANALYSIS OF RC COLUMN # ============================================================================= # Units in N, mm, sec print("==========================") from openseespy.postprocessing.Get_Rendering import * from openseespy.opensees import * wipe() import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import asin, sqrt print("Starting RC column analysis") PI = 2 * asin(1.0) # Create ModelBuilder (with two-dimensions and 3 DOF/node) model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3) # Set parameters for overall model geometry height = 2000.0 # height of column # Create nodes node(1, 0.0, 0.0) node(2, 0.0, height) # Fix supports at base of columns # tag, DX, DY, RZ fix(1, 1, 1, 1) # Define cross-section for nonlinear columns # some parameters colWidth = 400 ; # direction normal to loading colDepth = 400 ; # direction parallel to loading cover = 40 ; # concrete cover barDia = 20 ; # longitudinal bar dia As = PI/4*barDia**2 # area of longitudinal bar # Properties of concrete # Define parameters of concrete fc = -30; # Concrete compressive strength (+Tension, -compression) Ec = 5700*sqrt(-fc); # Modulus of elasticity of concrete e0 = 0.002; # strain at compressive strength of concrete # Define parameters of stirrups for confinement fyh = 415; # yield strength of stirrups diaStirrup = 8 ; # Diameter of stirrups (nLY, nLZ) = (2, 3) # no of Legs of stirrup parallel to Y and Z - direction sh = 150 ; # Spacing of stirrups # Derived confinement parameters from stirrups hP = colDepth-2*cover; # Depth of concrete core to oustide of stirrups bP = colWidth-2*cover; # Width of concrete core to oustide of stirrups Aso = PI/4*diaStirrup**2; # Area of stirrups Vstirrup = Aso*(nLY*hP+nLZ*bP)*1000/sh; # Volume of stirrups per 1000 mm Vcore = hP*bP*1000; # Volume of concrete core in 1000 mm Rhos = Vstirrup/Vcore; # ratio of volume of hoop steel to the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of hoops. # Parameters of Confined concrete Kfc = 1+Rhos*fyh/(-fc); # Ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength (by Scott) fc1C = -Kfc*fc; # Compressive strength of confined concrete eps1C = Kfc*e0; # Strain at confined compressive strength fc2C = 0.2*fc1C; # stress of confined concrete at ultimate strain e50uC = (0.0207+eps1C*fc1C)/(fc1C-6.89) e50hC = 3/4*Rhos*sqrt(hP/sh) Zc = 0.5/(e50uC+e50hC-eps1C) ; # Descending branch of Confined concrete eps2C = 0.8*fc1C/Zc+eps1C; # strain at ultimate stress of confined concrete ftUC = 0.14*fc1C; EtsC = 2*ftUC/eps1C; lambdaC = 0.1 # Parameters of Unconfined concrete fc1U =-fc ; # Compressive strength of unconfined concrete eps1U = e0 ; # strain at compressvie strength of unconfined concrete fc2U = 0.2*fc1U ; # stress of unconfined concrete at ultimate strain e50uU = (0.0207+eps1U*fc1U)/(fc1U-6.89) e50hU = 0.0 ; # There is no sirrups i.e., Rhos = 0.0 Zu = 0.5/(e50uU+e50hU-eps1U); # Descending branch of Unconfined concrete eps2U = 0.8*fc1U/Zu+eps1U ; # Strain at ultimate stress of unconfined concrete ftUU = 0.14*fc1U; EtsU = 2*ftUU/eps1U; lambdaU = 0.1 # ------------------------------------------ # CONCRETE tag # Core concrete (confined) uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 1, -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C, lambdaC , ftUC, EtsC) # Cover concrete (unconfined) uniaxialMaterial('Concrete02', 2, -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U, lambdaU , ftUU, EtsU) print ("Parameters of Confined concrete", -fc1C, -eps1C, -fc2C, -eps2C) print ("Parameters of UnConfined concrete", -fc1U, -eps1U, -fc2U, -eps2U) # Plot stress-strain curve of Confined and Unconfined concrete plt.figure() sigC = (0, fc1C, fc2C); epsC = (0, eps1C, eps2C) sigU = (0, fc1U, fc2U); epsU = (0, eps1U, eps2U) plt.plot(epsC, sigC, linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(epsU, sigU, linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('strain') plt.ylabel('compressive stress MPa') # Longitudinal Reinforcing steel fy = 400.0; # Yield stress E = 200000.0; # Young's modulus Bs = 0.01; # strain hardening ratio (R0, cR1, cR2) = (18, 0.925, 0.15) # Steel parameters # Variables derived for formation of section coverY = colDepth / 2.0 coverZ = colWidth / 2.0 coreY = coverY-cover coreZ = coverZ-cover (nfCoreY, nfCoreZ, nfCoverY, nfCoverZ)= (20, 20, 20, 20) secTag = 1 # tag uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', 3, fy, E, Bs, R0, cR1, cR2) section('Fiber', secTag) # Create the concrete core fibers patch('quad', 1, nfCoreZ, nfCoreY, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ,) # Create the concrete cover patches (right,left,bottom, top) patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coverY, coverZ, - coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ) patch('quad', 2, 2, nfCoverY, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ) patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ) patch('quad', 2, nfCoverZ, 2, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ) # Create the reinforcing fibers (top, middle, bottom) layer('straight', 3, 3, As, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ) layer('straight', 3, 2, As, 0.0, -coreZ, 0.0, coreZ) layer('straight', 3, 3, As, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ) # Define column elements # ---------------------- geomTag = 1 # Geometry of column elements # tag geomTransf('Corotational', geomTag) np = 4 # Number of integration points along length of element # Lobatto integration #beamIntegration('Lobatto', 1, 1, np) # Create the coulumns using Beam-column elements # e tag ndI ndJ transfTag integrationTag #eleType = 'forceBeamColumn' #element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1) # mixedBeamColumn tag iNode jNode numIntgrPts secTag transftag eleType = 'mixedBeamColumn' element(eleType, 1, 1, 2, np, secTag, geomTag, '-integration', 'Lobatto') # Define gravity loads # a parameter for the axial load AxialLoad = 0.1*fc1U*colDepth*colWidth; # 10% of axial capacity of columns print("10 % of axial load ratio", AxialLoad/1000, "kN") # Create a Plain load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries timeSeries ('Linear', 1) pattern ('Plain', 1, 1) # Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4 # nd FX, FY, MZ load(2, 0.0, -AxialLoad, 0.0) # ------------------------------ # End of model generation # ------------------------------ # ------------------------------ # Start of analysis generation # ------------------------------ # Gravity Analysis # Create the system of equation, a sparse solver with partial pivoting Tol = 1.0e-6 system ('BandGeneral') constraints ('Plain') numberer ('RCM') test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, 10, 3) algorithm ('Newton') integrator ('LoadControl', 0.1) analysis ('Static') analyze (10) # Display Model plot_model() print("==========================") print("Gravity Analysis Completed") # ---------------------------------------------------- # End of Model Generation & Gravity Analysis # ---------------------------------------------------- print("Pushover Analysis Started!") # Set the gravity loads to be constant & reset the time in the domain loadConst ('-time', 0.0) # Set some parameters LateralLoad = 1000.0 # Reference lateral load of 1kN # Set lateral load pattern with a Linear TimeSeries pattern('Plain', 2, 1) # Create nodal loads at nodes 3 & 4 # nd FX FY MZ load(2, LateralLoad, 0.0, 0.0) # ---------------------------------------------------- # Start of push over analysis # ---------------------------------------------------- # Set some parameters dU = 1 # Displacement increment dUMin = 1 dUMax = 1 (Tol, MaxIter) = (1.0e-12, 10) # Tolerance and Maximum iteration (controlNode, controlDOF) =(2, 1) # Control node and control DOF system ('BandGeneral') constraints ('Plain') numberer ('RCM') test ('NormDispIncr', Tol, MaxIter) analysis ('Static'); # Change the integration scheme to be displacement control # node dof init Jd min max integrator ('DisplacementControl', controlNode, controlDOF, dU, 1, dUMin,dUMax) #integrator ('LoadControl', 1) algorithm ('Newton') # Set some parameters maxU = 140.0 # Max displacement currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF) ok = 0 # perform the analysis Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) import numpy as np Nsteps=int(maxU/dU) # Number of data to be stored data=np.zeros( (Nsteps+1, 2) ) # Initial variable to store data j = 0 # Counter to store data while (ok == 0 and currentDisp < maxU): j+=1 analyze(1) # if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration if ok != 0: print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initail stiffness for this step") test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 1000) algorithm('ModifiedNewton', '-initial') ok = analyze(1) algorithm('Newton') currentDisp = nodeDisp(controlNode, controlDOF) factorLoad =getTime() data[j,0]=currentDisp data[j,1]=factorLoad print( "Horizontal load", factorLoad, 'kN,','displacement at control node',currentDisp,'mm') plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('Lateral displacement') plt.ylabel('Lateral Load') plt.show() wipe [/quote]
Prafulla Malla, Nepal