We are working on a research that consists in evaluating the effect of live load on nonlinear response history analysis of low-rise buildings. As part of the research program, we are executing a parametric study of "idealized structures". These structures are based on Two-Node Link Elements with a trilinear plasticity model using Multilinear Material. These elements represent a lateral force-resisting system of "real" steel buildings.
The following picture shows a geometric configuration of this type of structures. The two-story building has two links acting on each orthogonal direction and has a master point that contraints these links.
The links have trilinear constitutive model like show below:
In a calibration phase, we are comparing a response on multiple platforms (SAP2000, MATLAB and OpenSees). In this process, we have seen OpenSees has possibly a numerical problem because somecases its response doesn't coincide with others (MATLAB and SAP2000).
The following figure shows a response of hysteresis curve for the three different softwares:
It can be seen that response of OpenSees is different with others. No matter if the response no coincide it shouldn't be out of backbone curve.
Here it's a model code on OpenSees:
# Regular idealized structure, R = 6
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Units: kN, m, s
# -----------------------------------
# Modeling
# -----------------------------------
# Remove an existing model
# Create ModelBuilder object
# del BasicBuilder -ndm $ndm
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3
# Variables
set Lx 46.8; # Structure length in x direction - m
set Lz 46.8; # Structure length in z direction - m
set hz 3.9; # Story height - m
set e1_1 0.00851750055232987; # Shear deformation at yield limit state for first story - m
set e2_1 0.0298112519331545; # Shear deformatión at ultimate limit state for first story - m
set e3_1 2.98112519331545; # Shear deformatión at rupture limit state for first story - m
set s1_1 10923.0950780772; # Shear force at yield limit state for first story - kN
set s2_1 21846.1901561544; # Shear force at ultimate limit state for first story - kN
set s3_1 21846.1901561544; # Shear force at rupture limit state for first story - kN
set e1_2 0.00530821365771109; # Shear deformation at yield limit state for second story - m
set e2_2 0.0185787478019888; # Shear deformatión at ultimate limit state for second story - m
set e3_2 1.85787478019888; # Shear deformatión at rupture limit state for second story - m
set s1_2 6807.41047466863; # Shear force at yield limit state for second story - kN
set s2_2 13614.8209493373; # Shear force at rupture limit state for second story - kN
set s3_2 13614.8209493373; # Shear force at rupture limit state for second story - kN
set mx 2233.42323831278; # Mass in x direction - Mg
set mz 2233.42323831278; # Mass in z direction - Mg
set mt 815288.818913696; # Rotation mass about y direction - Mg-rad
set psi 0.03; # damping coefficient
set dt 0.01; # Time step - s
set nSign 2221; # Number of time steps
set g 9.80665; # Gravity accelearion - m/s^2
set alpha 0.0; # "Coefficient of irregularity
set beta 0.0; # "Coefficient of irregularity
set gamma 0.0; # "Coefficient of irregularity
set delta 0.0; # "Coefficient of irregularity
# Create nodes
# de $nodeTag (ndm $coords)
node 1 [expr $Lx/2] 0 [expr $alpha*$Lz]
node 2 [expr $Lx/2] 0 [expr $Lz - $beta*$Lz]
node 3 [expr $gamma*$Lx] 0 [expr $Lz/2]
node 4 [expr $Lx - $delta*$Lx] 0 [expr $Lz/2]
node 5 [expr $Lx/2] $hz [expr $alpha*$Lz]
node 6 [expr $Lx/2] $hz [expr $Lz - $beta*$Lz]
node 7 [expr $gamma*$Lx] $hz [expr $Lz/2]
node 8 [expr $Lx - $delta*$Lx] $hz [expr $Lz/2]
node 9 [expr $Lx/2] $hz [expr $Lz/2]
node 10 [expr $Lx/2] [expr 2*$hz] [expr $alpha*$Lz]
node 11 [expr $Lx/2] [expr 2*$hz] [expr $Lz - $beta*$Lz]
node 12 [expr $gamma*$Lx] [expr 2*$hz] [expr $Lz/2]
node 13 [expr $Lx - $delta*$Lx] [expr 2*$hz] [expr $Lz/2]
node 14 [expr $Lx/2] [expr 2*$hz] [expr $Lz/2]
# Assign masses
# ss $nodeTag (ndf $massValues)
mass 9 $mx 0 $mz 0 $mt 0
mass 14 $mx 0 $mz 0 $mt 0
# Define trilinear plasticity model
# iaxialMaterial MultiLinear $matTag $u1 $f1 $u2 $f2 $u3 $f3
uniaxialMaterial MultiLinear 3 $e1_1 $s1_1 $e2_1 $s2_1 $e3_1 $s3_1
uniaxialMaterial MultiLinear 4 $e1_2 $s1_2 $e2_2 $s2_2 $e3_2 $s3_2
# Define elements
# ement twoNodeLink $eleTag $iNode $jNode -mat $matTags -dir $dirs -orient $y1 $y2 $y3 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 1 1 5 -mat 3 -dir 2 -orient -1 0 0 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 2 2 6 -mat 3 -dir 2 -orient -1 0 0 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 3 3 7 -mat 3 -dir 2 -orient 0 0 1 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 4 4 8 -mat 3 -dir 2 -orient 0 0 1 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 5 5 10 -mat 4 -dir 2 -orient -1 0 0 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 6 6 11 -mat 4 -dir 2 -orient -1 0 0 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 7 7 12 -mat 4 -dir 2 -orient 0 0 1 -doRayleigh
element twoNodeLink 8 8 13 -mat 4 -dir 2 -orient 0 0 1 -doRayleigh
# Set fixes
# x $nodeTag (ndf $constrValues)
fix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
fix 5 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 6 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 7 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 8 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 9 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 10 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 11 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 12 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 13 0 1 0 1 0 1
fix 14 0 1 0 1 0 1
# Define diaphrams
# gidDiaphragm $perpDirn $masterNodeTag $slaveNodeTags
rigidDiaphragm 2 9 5 6 7 8
rigidDiaphragm 2 14 10 11 12 13
# Do eigen values (Peridos)
set lambda [eigen -fullGenLapack 6];
# Perform a frecuencies and periods of the structure
set omega {}
set f {}
set T {}
set pi [expr acos(-1.0)]
foreach lam $lambda {
lappend omega [expr sqrt($lam)]
lappend f [expr sqrt($lam)/(2*$pi)]
lappend T [expr (2*$pi)/sqrt($lam)]
puts "Periods are $T"
# Write a file with fundamental periods
set period "periodos.out"
set Periods [open $period "w"]
foreach t $T {
puts $Periods "$t"
close $Periods
# Rayleigh damping
set w1 [expr [lindex $omega 0]/1.5]
set w2 [lindex $omega 1]
set a0 [expr $psi*2*$w1*$w2/($w1 + $w2)]
set a1 [expr $psi*2/($w1 + $w2)]
# yleigh $alphaM $betaK $betaKinit $betaKcomm
rayleigh $a0 0.0 $a1 0.0
# Restart every previous analysis
# Define acceleration records
# meSeries Path $tag -dt $dt -filePath $filePath -factor $cFactor
timeSeries Path 1 -dt $dt -filePath GM_01_1.txt -factor [expr 1*$g]
timeSeries Path 2 -dt $dt -filePath GM_01_2.txt -factor [expr 1*$g]
# Set patterns with previous-defined records
# ttern UniformExcitation $patternTag $dir -accel $tsTag
pattern UniformExcitation 1 1 -accel 1
pattern UniformExcitation 2 3 -accel 2
# ------------------------------------
# Analysis
# ------------------------------------
# gorithm algorithmType?
algorithm Newton
# tegrator Newmark $gamma $beta
integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
# nstraints constraintType?
constraints Transformation
# mberer numbererType?
numberer RCM
# stem systemType?
system FullGeneral
# st NormDispIncr $tol $iter <$pFlag>
test NormDispIncr 1E-5 150
# Crear objeto analysis
analysis Transient
# -----------------------------------
# Recording
# -----------------------------------
# Nodal displacement and accelerations of CM nodes
# corder Node -file $fileName -precision $nSD -time -node $node -dof $dofs $respType
recorder Node -file displ.out -precision 10 -time -node 9 -dof 1 3 disp
recorder Node -file accel.out -precision 10 -time -node 9 -dof 1 3 accel
# Drift of CM nodes
# corder Drift -file $fileName -precision $nSD -time -iNode $node -jNode $node -dof $dof -perpDirn $perpDirn
recorder Drift -file driftX.out -precision 10 -time -iNode 3 -jNode 9 -dof 1 -perpDirn 2
recorder Drift -file driftY.out -precision 10 -time -iNode 3 -jNode 9 -dof 3 -perpDirn 2
# Hysteresis of elements (kN - m)
# corder Element -file $fileName -precision $nSD -time -ele $ele $arg1
recorder Element -file basicForce.out -precision 10 -time -ele 1 basicForce
recorder Element -file basicDisp.out -precision 10 -time -ele 1 basicDisplacement
# -------------------------------
# Execute analysis
# -------------------------------
# Ejecutar el análisis
analyze $nSign $dt
Thank you for your attention
Possible numeric error using Two Node Link element or any other object in the model
Moderators: silvia, selimgunay, Moderators
Re: Possible numeric error using Two Node Link element or any other object in the model
We have to mention there are some building configurations that show good results. Here, we upload a figure that demostrates an equal results for SAP2000, MATLAB and OpenSees. For this reason, we consider OpenSees has some type of numerical error: