tcl procedure for creating a Box steel fiber section

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tcl procedure for creating a Box steel fiber section

Post by hshoar »

# boxSec.tcl: tcl procedure for creating a Box steel fiber section
# written: Hamed Shoarian Sattari ###
# date: 10/2013
#--- input parameters
# secID = section ID number
# matID = material ID number
# h = box height (z direction)
# w = box width (y direction)
# t = thickness
# nfh = number of fibers along box height
# nfw = number of fibers along box width
# nft = number of fibers along thickness
proc boxSec { secID matID h w t nfh nfw nft} {
set a [expr $w/2]
set b [expr $h/2]
set c [expr ($w/2)-$t]
set d [expr ($h/2)-$t]
section Fiber $secID {
#--- patch rect $matTag $numSubdivY $numSubdivZ $yI $zI $yJ $zJ
patch rect $matID $nft $nfh -$a -$b -$c $b
patch rect $matID $nft $nfh $c -$b $a $b
patch rect $matID $nfw $nft -$c -$b $c -$d
patch rect $matID $nfw $nft -$c $d $c $b
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Re: tcl procedure for creating a Box steel fiber section

Post by Hancadatt »

It's good, thanks.
Hi all, i'm Hancadatt.

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