Pushdown Analysis / Moment-curvature

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Pushdown Analysis / Moment-curvature

Post by dynaforce »

I want to get Moment-Curvature ouput file.
bur my column1 of output file is Load factor.
I want to relpace Load factor of Column1 with Moment Value.
Please help me.

My script and output file is here..

Script :

# Set Up & Source Definition
wipe; # clear memory of past model definitions
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3; # Define the model builder, ndm = #dimension, ndf = #dofs
source WSection.tcl; # procedure for creating standard steel W section

set dataDir YH-Pushover-Disp-Output2; # name of output folder
file mkdir $dataDir; # create output folder

# Define Building Geometry, Nodes, and Constraints
# define structure-geometry parameters

# calculate locations frame nodes:
set Pier1 0 ; # leftmost column line
set Pier2 8000 ;
set Pier3 16000;
set Pier4 24000;
set Floor1 0 ; # ground floor
set Floor2 4000 ;
set Floor3 7000 ;
set Floor4 10000;

# define nodes and assign masses to beam-column intersections of frame
# command: node nodeID xcoord ycoord -mass mass_dof1 mass_dof2 mass_dof3
node 1 $Pier1 $Floor1;
node 2 $Pier3 $Floor1;
node 3 $Pier4 $Floor1;

node 4 $Pier1 $Floor2;
node 5 [expr 500] $Floor2;
node 6 [expr 500] $Floor2;
node 7 $Pier2 $Floor2;
node 8 [expr 15500] $Floor2;
node 9 [expr 15500] $Floor2;
node 10 $Pier3 $Floor2;
node 11 $Pier4 $Floor2;

node 12 $Pier1 $Floor3;
node 13 $Pier2 $Floor3;
node 14 $Pier3 $Floor3;
node 15 $Pier4 $Floor3;

node 16 $Pier1 $Floor4;
node 17 $Pier2 $Floor4;
node 18 $Pier3 $Floor4;
node 19 $Pier4 $Floor4;

# assign boundary condidtions
# command: fix nodeID dxFixity dyFixity rzFixity
# fixity values: 1 = constrained; 0 = unconstrained

# fix the base of the frame;
fix 1 1 1 1
fix 2 1 1 1
fix 3 1 1 1

# define constraints for pined beam-to-column connection
equalDOF 5 6 1 2
equalDOF 8 9 1 2
# equalDOF 5 53 1 2

# Define Materials and Sections

# define material for nonlinear beams and columns
set matID_B 1
set matID_C 2
set Es 210000.0; # modulus of elasticity for steel
set Fy1 325.0; # yield stress of steel of Column
set Fy2 235.0; # yield stress of steel of Beam
set b 0.00001; # strain hardening ratio
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 $matID_B $Fy2 $Es $b 0.0005 0.01 0.0005 0.01
uniaxialMaterial Steel01 $matID_C $Fy1 $Es $b 0.0005 0.01 0.0005 0.01

# define sections
set secTagC1 10
set secTagB1 30

# command: WSection secID matID d bf tf tw nfdw nftw nfbf nftf
# Beam: W24x68
WSection $secTagB1 $matID_B 500 200 16 10 8 1 1 4
# Column: W27x94
WSection $secTagC1 $matID_C 250 250 14 9 8 1 1 4

# Define Geometric Transformation
set transfTag_C 1
set transfTag_B 3

# columns
geomTransf Linear $transfTag_C
# beams
geomTransf Linear $transfTag_B

# Define Elements

set tol 1.e-6
set maxIter 10

# define columns
# eleID convention: "1x", 1 = column, x=Pier #
# command arguments: $eleID $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag
element nonlinearBeamColumn 1 1 4 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 2 2 10 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 3 3 11 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 4 4 12 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 5 7 13 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 6 10 14 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 7 11 15 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 8 12 16 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 9 13 17 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 10 14 18 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 11 15 19 4 $secTagC1 $transfTag_C -iter $maxIter $tol

element nonlinearBeamColumn 12 4 5 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 13 6 7 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 14 7 8 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 15 9 10 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 16 10 11 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 17 12 13 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 18 13 14 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 19 14 15 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 20 16 17 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 21 17 18 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol
element nonlinearBeamColumn 22 18 19 4 $secTagB1 $transfTag_B -iter $maxIter $tol

element zeroLengthSection 23 5 6 $secTagB1
element zeroLengthSection 24 8 9 $secTagB1

# Display the model
recorder display "Model" 10 10 500 500 -wipe
prp 0 0 50
vup 0 1 0
vpn 0 0 1
display 1 2 10

# Pushdown Analysis #

puts "Running Pushover..."

pattern Plain 1 Linear {

#distributed loads
#eleLoad -ele $eleTag1 <$eleTag2 ....> -type -beamUniform $Wz <$Wx>
set w2 [expr -30.0];
set w3 [expr -15.0];

# Floor 2 loads
eleLoad -ele 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 -type -beamUniform $w2

# Floor 3 loads
eleLoad -ele 16 19 22 -type -beamUniform $w3


set ViewScale 5;

# recorde disp at node 3 and reactions at the bottom nodels
recorder Node -file "$dataDir/node3D.out" -time -node 7 -dof 2 disp
recorder Node -file $dataDir/momentcurvature.out -time -node 6 -dof 3 disp

# pushover analysis commands
constraints Plain;
numberer RCM;
system BandGeneral;
test NormUnbalance 1.0e-3 10000;
algorithm Newton;
integrator LoadControl 0.001
analysis Static;
analyze 1000

wipe all;;
Output file is...

0.01 -0.000110431
0.02 -0.000220862
0.03 -0.000331294
0.04 -0.000441725
0.05 -0.000552156
0.06 -0.000662587
0.07 -0.000773019
0.08 -0.00088345
0.09 -0.000993881
0.1 -0.00110431
0.11 -0.00121474
0.12 -0.00132517
0.13 -0.00143561
0.14 -0.00154604
0.15 -0.00165647
0.16 -0.0017669
0.17 -0.00187733
0.18 -0.00198776
0.19 -0.00209819
0.2 -0.00220862
0.21 -0.00231906
0.22 -0.00242949
0.23 -0.00253992
0.24 -0.00265035
0.25 -0.00276078
0.26 -0.00287121
0.27 -0.00298164
0.28 -0.00309207
0.29 -0.00320251
0.3 -0.00331294
0.31 -0.00342337
0.32 -0.0035338
0.33 -0.00364423
0.34 -0.00375466
0.35 -0.00386509
0.36 -0.00397552
0.37 -0.00408596
0.38 -0.00419639
0.39 -0.00430682
0.4 -0.00441725
0.41 -0.00452768
0.42 -0.00463811
0.43 -0.00474854
0.44 -0.00485897
0.45 -0.00496941
0.46 -0.00507984
0.47 -0.00519027
0.48 -0.0053007
0.49 -0.00541113
0.5 -0.00552156
0.51 -0.00563199
0.52 -0.00574242
0.53 -0.00585286
0.54 -0.00596329
0.55 -0.00607372
0.56 -0.00618415
0.57 -0.00629458
0.58 -0.00640501
0.59 -0.00651544
0.6 -0.00662587
0.61 -0.00673631
0.62 -0.00684689
0.63 -0.0069588
0.64 -0.00707444
0.65 -0.0071968
0.66 -0.00732005
0.67 -0.00744363
0.68 -0.00757291
0.69 -0.00770402
0.7 -0.00783602
0.71 -0.00796925
0.72 -0.00810454
0.73 -0.0082438
0.74 -0.00838929
0.75 -0.00854453
0.76 -0.00870687
0.77 -0.00888195
0.78 -0.00906742
0.79 -0.00927067
0.8 -0.00947841
0.81 -0.00969956
0.82 -0.0099488
0.83 -0.0102109
0.84 -0.0104847
0.85 -0.0107659
0.86 -0.0110515
0.87 -0.0113588
0.88 -0.0116954
0.89 -0.0120495
0.9 -0.012412
0.91 -0.0128246
0.92 -0.0132682
0.93 -0.0137321
0.94 -0.0142827
0.95 -0.0150209
0.96 -0.016234
0.97 -0.0180629
0.98 -0.0215365
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:29 am
Location: Gyusang National University

Re: Pushdown Analysis / Moment-curvature

Post by dynaforce »

please help me
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:06 pm
Location: University of Canterbury

Re: Pushdown Analysis / Moment-curvature

Post by KhaledSaif »

Hi there,
there is an example about moment-curvature, just take a look at it :)
Posts: 20
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Re: Pushdown Analysis / Moment-curvature

Post by mgs »

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