using custom material dll in OpenSeesMP

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using custom material dll in OpenSeesMP

Post by seyedalirezajalali »

Dear fmk,
I am developing a custom material. Since I failed to build openseesMP with the new material included, I am trying to introduce my material as a supplementary dll to OpenSeesMP version 2.4.5. The material seems to load and run successfully but after the first round of model building, analyzing, and wiping finishes successfully, the "model" command invoked at the beginning of the second round causes the OpenSeesMP to exit. The mpiexec terminates with following lines:

"job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: my-pc: 123
1: my-pc: -1073740940: process 1 exited without calling finalize"

my tcl code is as follows:

"set generalFolder general

set np [getNP]
set pid [getPID]
if {$pid == 0} {
# Coordinator
foreach modelFolder {MLL MML MHL} {
for {set iRec 1 } {$iRec < $numRecs} {incr iRec} {
recv -pid ANY pidWorker
puts "pidWorker= $pidWorker\n"
send -pid $pidWorker [list $modelFolder $iRec]
for {set i 1} {$i < $np} {incr i 1} {
send -pid $i "DONE"
} else {
# Worker
set done NOT_DONE;
while {$done != "DONE"} {
send -pid 0 $pid
recv -pid 0 list
puts "list= $list\n"
set modelFolder [lindex $list 0]
if {$modelFolder == "DONE"} {
puts "pid:$pid: Done"
set recn [lindex $list 1]
set outFolder $modelFolder
set saInit 0.05
set nPnt 1
set sa 0.05
set GMFile "$generalFolder/GMfiles/transformed/$recn.txt"
set deltaT 0.02
set Tmax 5.
set folder $outFolder/$recn/$sa
source $modelFolder/initialize.tcl
set fac $g
set logfileId [open $folder/log.txt w+]
source $generalFolder/model.analyze.gravity.tcl
source $generalFolder/model.analyze.GM.Uniform.tcl
close $logfileId

The "initialize.tcl" file contains a "wipe" command followed by a "model" command and model generation commands (including definition of the new material which is loaded from a dll). As I said, the model is built and run at the first round (for recn == 1) but it exits unexpectedly at the "model" command invoked at the beginning of the second round.

I wondered if this could be a problem caused by the dll material but I am not sure and would be thankful if you could provide me with your idea.

Thanks and Regards,
SA Jalali
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Re: using custom material dll in OpenSeesMP

Post by fmk »

it is not the dll problem .. i need to look at the code to see why.
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:03 am
Location: Amirkabir University of Technology

Re: using custom material dll in OpenSeesMP

Post by seyedalirezajalali »

Dear Frank
How may I send you my file? It is too large to paste here.

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