ERROR in running OpenSessSP

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ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by Luisa »

When I run OpenSeesSP, I get the following error before gravity analysis is performed successfully. However, I don't have any problem with regular OpenSees and it works perfectly fine. Could anyone tell me what's the problem?

special ele: 0
Slave Process Running 3
StaticDomainDecompositionAnalysis::recvSelfSlave Process Running 2
StaticDomainDecompositionAnalysis::recvSelf - failed to get the Solver
Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Recv(186).....................: MPI_Recv(buf=0000000003F7FDB0, count=4, MPI_
INT, src=0, tag=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status=000000000308F3B0) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(129): Message from rank 0 and tag 0 truncated; 24
bytes received but buffer size is 16
Slave Process Running 1
StaticDomainDecompositionAnalysis::recvSelf - failed to get the Solver
Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Recv(186).....................: MPI_Recv(buf=000000000406FDB0, count=4, MPI_
INT, src=0, tag=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status=000000000319F9E0) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(129): Message from rank 0 and tag 0 truncated; 24
bytes received but buffer size is 16
- failed to get the Solver
Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Recv(186).....................: MPI_Recv(buf=0000000003F0FDB0, count=4, MPI_
INT, src=0, tag=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status=00000000030EF9B0) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Receive_data_found(129): Message from rank 0 and tag 0 truncated; 24
bytes received but buffer size is 16

job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: Luisa-PC: 123
1: Luisa-PC: 1: process 1 exited without calling finalize
2: Luisa-PC: 1: process 2 exited without calling finalize
3: Luisa-PC: 1: process 3 exited without calling finalize

It should be noted that my analysis command is:

constraints Lagrange;
numberer RCM;
system Mumps -ICNTL14 100;
test EnergyIncr 1.E-6 10;
algorithm Newton;
integrator LoadControl 0.1;
analysis Static;
analyze 10;

loadConst -time 0.0
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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by zanakarimi »

I have a very large OpenSeesSP 3D, Fuly coupled nonlinear model.
I use UniformExcitation command to apply base motion to the model. Hence, I need to add -timeSeries option to the recorder in order to record the absolute value of acceleration. The model works fine with -np 1 but it returns error with -np>1.
I found out the error occurs when I record the absolute responses at the nodes. In other word, I don't have any problem with the model and it works fine when I record the relative responses! btw, I need to record absolute values directly since my time steps are not constant. Does any body have any idea about this issue?
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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by fmk »

you will have to remove the option for now and add the ground acceleration in post-processing (OpenSees does a linear interpolation between the points, so if you know the time stamp you can figure out the time series value)

looks like the code should work. do you get an error message or does the program just output the wrong result?
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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by zanakarimi »

Thanks for your reply Frank,
I get an error ("Child kiled:unknown signal") and program stops working when I use the -timeSeries option.
I don't let OpenSees linear interpolate the ground motion. I simply input my base motion with a very fine time step; then, based on the convergence criteria, I have variable time steps. Therefore, my output files has different time steps.
Since OpenSees records the time vector in output, I think I am going to interpolate my base motion based on recorded time vector and add them up in Matlab to get the absolute values.
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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by HosseinM »

Dear All,

I have installed mpich2 on win 8.1 and it works properly (the example "cpi" was tested). However, when I run any tcl code for parallel processing by using "mpiexec -np $n OpenSeesSP $filename.tcl" the error appears: "child killed: unknown signal".

All the programs are 64bit (OpenSees 2.4.5 64bit, OpenSeesSP 64bit, mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-x86-64, Windows 8.1 64bit).

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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by fmk »

the mpiexec is being called from a terminal window or an Opensees script? it's probably safest to call from a terminal windows.
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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by HosseinM »

Thank you for your answer.

I've tried calling it both from "command prompt" and directly from opening "openseessp.exe" and putting the command into it. the error repeats. My model is very large (a 3D 40-story building) and I need to perform it in OpenSeesSP.

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Re: ERROR in running OpenSessSP

Post by fmk »

i am probably going to need to see this .. as you are ouside the US i cannot get you to share a session with me on NEEShub (though you couldsign up for an account and place the files there for me to test runnning it there
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