A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

This forum is for issues related to parallel processing
and OpenSees using the new interpreters OpenSeesSP and OpenSeesMP

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A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by Ameri »

Hello Dr. McKenna,

I've recently setup the OpenSeesSP (in addition to MPICH2) on my personal laptop. It seems that I've installed them correctly since when I double click on OpenSeesSP.exe (or even when I call it from the command prompt window), I can input my scripts or source a typical *.tcl file. Nevertheless, I cannot perform parallel processing using OpenSeesSP, and I really don't know what the problem is.

I tried to install MPI according to this page: http://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index ... Processing. Although I installed MPICH2 and it was written that "MPICH2 was installed successfully", and also I can see its folder made in "Program Files", when I type "smpd -status" in command prompt it returns "no smpd running on $hostname$" (although I'm not sure if I need to have smpd running to use mpiexec locally)! Moreover, when I go to the directory $MPICHROOT\examples and run cpi.exe using "mpiexec -n 4 cpi" I encounter an error which says "error while connecting to host, no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ...". It should be noted that when I try "mpiexec -help" in $MPICHROOT\bin it does work!!

Could you tell me please what the problem is?! I appreciate your time and consideration in advance.
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Re: A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by mo_zarrin »

Please send an email to my email address: mo_zarrin@yahoo.com to give you the complete solution of it. at the moment I'm quite busy.
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Re: A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by Ameri »

Hey guys,

The problem is now solved! Anybody has the same problem, just send me an Email.

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Re: A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by sghanaatpishe »

hello ameri

i send you an email. thanks in advanced
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Re: A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by CHANDANA »


I encountered the same error. I kindly request for your help to solve this.
Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:32 pm

Re: A Problem in Running OpenSeesSP

Post by sanazzz »

It is sometimes tricky. But, if you follow the steps here, you should install it properly

http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic ... o-use-mpi/
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