Building OpenSees

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Building OpenSees

Post by ckolay »

I've NEVER compiled OpenSEES before. But I have to now and I am stuck. On Windows 7, I have VS 2010 Prof and VS 2012 Express. I also have Active TCL/TK 8.5.15 installed to C:\Program files (x86)\Tcl. I downloaded the source from the SVN repository and its the HEAD revision. When I open the solution and then change the C++ include and library references to properly point to C:\Program files (x86)\Tcl\include and C:\Program files (x86)\Tcl\lib respectively, I still cannot build OpenSEES. I get "Cannot find tcl.h" errors, but I know for sure that the proper include folder is in the project and tcl.h exists

Anyone know what is going on?
Chinmoy Kolay
PhD Candidate
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA, USA
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Re: Building OpenSees

Post by fmk »

the projects are set up for c:\Program Files\tcl .. the error message you are getting is because you have not set up your location correctly in the project files .. as the .sln files contains many projects, each are independent and require their own settings, i suggest clicking on the projects individually and getting them to compiler before building the whole opensees project or reinstalling tcl.
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